Laughing Hyena Seeds Three cultivars

@Mañ'O'Green if you have any Lil' Stick seeds left, you should do another grow.

@Waira, I'm not that great at describing smells. From what I remember, it had a fruity smell to it. Reminded me our trip to Thailand.

@BCBudlady, thank you for the support!

@CoastalMary, has been great to us.

I have Purple Domina, Strawbanana Daddy, Russian Queen, Lil' Stick, and Lil' MobStar to choose from. I am leaning toward Purple Domina, Russian Queen and Lil' MobStar.

@LaughingHyenaSeeds why do you think I need to do a repeat on the Lil' Stick?

I have Purple Domina, Strawbanana Daddy, Russian Queen, Lil' Stick, and Lil' MobStar to choose from. I am leaning toward Purple Domina, Russian Queen and Lil' MobStar.

@LaughingHyenaSeeds why do you think I need to do a repeat on the Lil' Stick?
I would say, because it's a great strain all around. So far you've down a great job in the solo cup, but I would love to see what you can do on a bigger scale.
Hey @BCBudlady my friend
Nice selection of strains I wish you a big yield with special pheos. The purple chunk sounds interesting. Can't wait to see them in flower.

Have a nice day
cu tobe
Thanks for looking in @tobe . They are each getting 5gallons to do their work. Waiting for your Berry Assault 2.0!!
Thanks for looking in @tobe . They are each getting 5gallons to do their work. Waiting for your Berry Assault 2.0!!
Hi my friend
I got some untested f3 seeds , I will contact you in the next days.

Have a nice day
cu tobe
Yeah man. @Waira has a bloodhound nose! :hump::crying:

LOL @Waira could probably smell the toppings on a pizza from 30 feet away
:haha: :rofl: :rolleyes2: -- probably further if it has some of those nasty fly

bait stanky sardines befouling the hapless pie!
Slight change of plans….looks like two Purple Chunk and one Northern Berry will be grown out this cycle.
8days and 2days. See ya in a week.
Oh, and couple quick shots of Lil MoBStar at 40 days, cuz she is sweet.