New Grower 5 x GG#4 Auto - Expert Seeds - ALL organic

The 3 seeds (on the left) that had the longer tap roots all emerged by this morning. Now it’s just a waiting game to see if the other two break ground. It’s always been about 50/50 when I have seeds that start out lagging like those 2. We’ll see. This is the first time I’ve tried Expert Seeds genetics so I don’t know what their germination rates are like, typically. Still holding out hope for 5 plants.

From yesterday - failed to upload:

The 3 seeds (on the left) that had the longer tap roots all emerged by this morning. Now it’s just a waiting game to see if the other two break ground. It’s always been about 50/50 when I have seeds that start out lagging like those 2. We’ll see. This is the first time I’ve tried Expert Seeds genetics so I don’t know what their germination rates are like, typically. Still holding out hope for 5 plants.

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The last 2 seeds failed to germinate - a real disappointment. I usually have a very high germination rate from DP and some other top breeders. I really thought these would be better but they were the only GG autos that were in stock when I ordered. Ah well. Popping a couple of other beans today - DP Critical Orange Punch autos I got as freebies a while back.

The 3 spreouts are all doing well. One has a Barley Straw Mulch on top while the other two have clover growing and I think I may add some wildlife sorage seed that I have around - it's got oats, legumes and brassicas. All of them are great cover crops that are accumulators.



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