Thinking about trying photos


Johnny Blazin
Cultivators Club
Jun 27, 2021
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I've never successfully grown a photo and haven't tried since I put a heat lamp in my closet as a kid. I do have a few photo seeds though both regular and fem that I'm thinking of giving a shot. So questions. I have an old small tent (30x30) and light that I can use to veg for a bit and then flower in my regular 4x4 which has plants in it now that should be out in like 6-8 weeks or so. I grow in Coco dtw and the photos would be the same. How long from seed to flip to flower would I need to grow like a 2x2 size plant? And can I sex the plants before flower if I grow some regs without testing? Not looking for a big production or cuts or anything, just trying for 4 plants for a 4x4. The only fem seeds I have are Rocbud and from what I see kinda prone to some herms, and most of the regs I have are more old strains I want to smoke again. I've never dealt with male plants before.
Think best way would to do a couple, wait till they show sex, pick best female ( cull the rest) for a mother, then clone your 4 off that.....give a month for veg and sexing, a month for clones to establish, a month for clones to veg, then 2 month for stretch and figure 5 to 6 months for 1st crop...advantages are keep mother going, clone like crazy, and have a crop come in every month or two....disadvantages are same weed all the time..
How long from seed to flip to flower would I need to grow like a 2x2 size plant? And can I sex the plants before flower if I grow some regs without testing? Not looking for a big production or cuts or anything, just trying for 4 plants for a 4x4. The only fem seeds I have are Rocbud and from what I see kinda prone to some herms, and most of the regs I have are more old strains I want to smoke again. I've never dealt with male plants before.

imho, There are no real answers to time, some plants grow fast, tall, bushy, slow, but as a rule of thumb, 4-6 weeks veg, with LST, without LST, maybe scrog to fill a 2x2, 7-10 weeks flower.

As for the rest hermies and males etc, just go with it and see what you get, plants can herm through stress too, usually when you least expect it ;-( so even if the pre flowers are female they can kick your ass anytime they desire if they are unhappy.

I would suggest that you check out "growweedeasy dot com" for pre flowers and best practice.
Personally i grow photo's as scrog, usually 4 plants in a 70x70cm, but my current run is a singleton, just because. ;-)

if you have old seeds that you want to try again, just go for it, nothing to lose and everything to gain.
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I've never successfully grown a photo and haven't tried since I put a heat lamp in my closet as a kid. I do have a few photo seeds though both regular and fem that I'm thinking of giving a shot. So questions. I have an old small tent (30x30) and light that I can use to veg for a bit and then flower in my regular 4x4 which has plants in it now that should be out in like 6-8 weeks or so. I grow in Coco dtw and the photos would be the same. How long from seed to flip to flower would I need to grow like a 2x2 size plant? And can I sex the plants before flower if I grow some regs without testing? Not looking for a big production or cuts or anything, just trying for 4 plants for a 4x4. The only fem seeds I have are Rocbud and from what I see kinda prone to some herms, and most of the regs I have are more old strains I want to smoke again. I've never dealt with male plants before.

How long from seed to flip to flower would I need to grow like a 2x2 size plant?

Around a 2-6 week veg time depending on the cultivar. You'll have to determine when they have enough size so YMMV

And can I sex the plants before flower if I grow some regs without testing?

You have to let the the places reach maturity, looking at internodes you can determine the sex. Females will a pistol or two coming from these internodes while also being shorter then their male counterparts. Posting pictures before going to flower will get you some assistance or message me if you need to sex.
I've vegged photos for like 3 months indoors and then set them free outside. They turned into 8-12' tall monsters. And I've flipped them in a tent at 12" after a few weeks, and they were good sized plants that were much more manageable.
I usually wait until I see at least 4-6 nodes past the cotyledon before flipping, and the time it takes to reach that varies per strain. Last photos I ran were Do Si Do's. I veged them for 45 days (would've been shorter but I ran them with autos) then flipped to flower. Within 10 days I saw sex, and flowering lasted another 55 days.

Hope this helps.