I just wanted to say, Where as TD is obviously a great plant and a leap forward in automatics... Great, but the description should really be changed... everywhere i looked it was 9-10 weeks... Seymours grow went 75 and thats nearly 11 weeks... ok i was fine with that... no big deal... then little by little all these other grows come out 78, 80, 85,96, 100 DAYS!!! Besides the great smoke reports etc, i specifically got TD for the 9 - 10 week time frame as i was in a time frame... but everyone said "THE RARE" 100 day pheno... now the more grows i see coming out there are more closer to the 100 end then the 70 end... and now the one i went for, again a beautiful plant... strong... but today on day 40 it just started getting its white hairs showing female... There is no way she will be done in the 43 days i have left before i have to move wich means i wasted my money and my time (seeds, cfls, pot, soil, LED all bought new for this plant)... and will have nothing to show for it... cant even do a different one cause there are no 43 day wonders... Again, its a great plant... looks amazing... grows strong... but i think the 70-77 day phenos are the rare ones not the 100 day ones as more grows start popping up... most ive seen are 80 and up... all im saying is the description on all the seed sites etc should be updated... i would have picked another kind if i even knew anything above 80 days was even a chance... My fault of course for purchasing before more grows came out, but none the less, the next guy should know... just my 2 cents...