hey Splitty, no need to panic, just by the looks she looks a little over fed. Very dark leaves and the tips are clawing a bit. A sign of to much nitrogen. Could also be over watered a little to much. Are you waiting until the pot is drying out? Like I said just stick with a few water feeds but wait until you can lift that pot with one hand real easy before you water next... must ask what are you feeding them ?
Its important in soil to let the pot dry out, not fully you don't want those leaves going limp or you could do some damage. Being to wet all the time can effect yield, growth rate and if oxygen is not getting to those roots you could also invite root rot in, in extreme cases. Once you time those watering inline with the plant drinking an drying the pot out you may see these huge spurts of growth, especial in veg. It takes practice over many a grow to watch those leave's and then be able to tell the optimal point to water, but you can't go wrong with the pot lifting method or sticking you finger in the dirt... I'm no expert and are still learning with every grow but time it right an you will grow monster plants with huge yeilds... strain dependent.