Live Stoner Chat Things that make you LOL...Pics,Videos,Jokes....

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That's got to be the biggest hint ever! I'd be watching my back and hiding anything sharp if I was her.
Still my missus doesn't have a funeral plan.......
Two parrots sitting on a perch
one says to the other "can you smell fish?"

OMG....lost me tea...:crying: :crying: :crying:
Holy eff, CanadianBudz!!! The Jamaican voiceover for the Schticky had me crying, but then the dating service video on top..... I kid you not, I think I might have displaced a rib.
"Is that how you like yo pancakes? Is that how you like yo pancakes bababoosh?" :crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying:
I love how they put his mugshot in the new schticky commerical. It came on and I asked the wife if she heard about him getting arrested, then his mug popped on! Too funny!

"You're gonna LOVE my NUTS" still gets me everytime! How he can even keep a straight face, Ill never know!