Year of the Dragons
Well I got a 70litre tote tub to start storing it in and building up some supersoil , they got bone meal,blood fish and bone,chicken shit stuff all sorts of stuff at poundland lol gonna have to give it a go,though when funds allow some new biobizz would be nice once I use this stuff upYeah seems like something in or not in that standard terra mix that makes the PH drop over time. Reusing it dont seem a bad way to go, gonna give you a nice base for a super mix and let you know exactly whats in it, if i had the space would be giving it a go myself, but for now am happy with the light mix and the last 50L bag i got gonna last a while but my own soil is something i would love to try when my situation allows it.
edit: just noticed i made a typo in my older post meant to say "my water is 7.1 after leaving it out and our nutes near the same" not that the water was 7.1 and so were the nutes which is how it was reading.