Indoor TheSpacePope G-Log 2015: 2 girls and a solo cup ;-)

Merry Christmas to my peps that are following this grow.

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Sorry for the lack of updates but black berry kush, just shy of 58 days and not showing any yellowing yet but no purple yet either. My solo cup is going in for a overnight in the dark before harvest here, pre harvest sampling is pretty nice and frosty! @pop22

Happy New Years guys!

Humbolt Seed Org Bub kush and Buddha magnum update after the new year!! but just switched them over to flower nutes
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awesome plant mate, how frosty they are..
happy new year:weed:
After harvesting the Solo cup around christmas she is all dried up and came out a little better than I thought with her taking a spill early on and fighting werid PH in the soil. She yeilded me a nice 1/2 Oz

Roots 2 days after, was curious as to how well the roots formed with my hi Perlite organic mix with a ton a mycros and daily feeding.
2016-01-03 20.21.13.png

Pic 2 &3 are right after I had to cut off the solo cup, it was tight!
root 1.jpg
root 2.jpg

Pic 4 and for I was just smacking the root ball for 12mins trying to get as much off to see the rootball and Damn was I suprised!
Root 3.jpg

and 10 more mins later is still straight roots!
Root 4.jpg

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Bub day 43 I believe New pruning method I am trying out is looking good i have to give him a shout out.
Humbolt Seed Org. Bubba Kush in #Gal Tall pot


bub 2.jpg

All pics were just before I tried a couple branches down to open the canopy up a bit.

-The Spacepope
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Alright guys AN and grow more nute combo definitely did the trick. Just harvested the Blackberry Kush and rocks are a understatement. Will be adding pics here in the morning and In the DP section. But wet weight Nugs only. Right at 400 grams so dry est., should be right around 120 grams just over 4 oz! Off 250w I'll take that! Even though she didn't purple

Teaser pic just before harvest while you wait, some real Bud of the Month shots
2016-01-18 03.44.40.png
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Harvest pics as promised for BlackBerry kush. Please dont be shy and chime in or throw a BOM Nom if you like them
2016-01-18 03.44.40.png

2016-01-18 16.45.42.png

2016-01-18 16.46.43.png

side cola


2016-01-18 16.48.17.png
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Tiny Buddha Magnum udate day : Just before going into the dark cycle. Phosphorus deficient really hit hard for her and didnt really pull back from. But boy she is pretty. Sorry about the angle


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Hey @TheSpacePope good to see you back,I was wondering where you took off to...Those plants look awesome dude ...I'd say they are worthy !!!