New Grower The420smoker's 1st grow log W.O.S. Wild Thailand Ryder x3 and Short Stuff HBD x2

Hi 420 is that a new res? If so I really struggled with dp nutes they leave a hell of a lot of salt build up, I was having to clean my res a bit too regularly. Let me know how you get on with them.
Hi 420 is that a new res? If so I really struggled with dp nutes they leave a hell of a lot of salt build up, I was having to clean my res a bit too regularly. Let me know how you get on with them.
If your asking about the pic before the nutes it's a 22kw stand by generator. Need it where I live. Power always going out.
Not much to report. Here they are this morning. Top 3 are Wild Thailand Ryder bottom 2 are Himalaya Blue Diesel
Hi 420 it looks like we think alike, those were the first two autos I wanted to grow but went with blueberry dragons instead but I think I will get some HBD for next summer. I see you are a fellow maineah I wish the best for you I'll be watching
Hi 420 it looks like we think alike, those were the first two autos I wanted to grow but went with blueberry dragons instead but I think I will get some HBD for next summer. I see you are a fellow maineah I wish the best for you I'll be watching
Thank you. The HBD are regular beans so if I get a male I will cross the two. Might make it interesting.
This morning I mixed 0.6ml OSA/28, Half TSP each of DutchPro Autoflower Grow A & B into 5L water. The 5L watered 9 plants (have 4 others not documented (double big bud and critical X ak)) so that's just over 0.5L each. They are on the 4/20 light schedule. When lights on at 1pm I will add pics.
Sorry about the color will get that worked out. Here they are day 15 top 3 are WTR. Bottom 2 HBD