New Grower The420smoker's 1st grow log W.O.S. Wild Thailand Ryder x3 and Short Stuff HBD x2

Today they are taking a knife in the gut. All trichs are milky. These are the 2 that had been pollinated (minus 2 branches each)
Finished trimming . The tall plant has a different color to it (left side) can't wait to try and see if there is any difference in taste
Here are the tops.
Wild Thailand Ryder taste was fruity/citrus with lemon pledge taste on exhale. This got me very high with upbeat attitude. A very energetic smoke. I got 83 grams dry from the 3 plants (minus 4 branches full of seeds). These were smaller than expected. This was also the first time I used the smart pots, and I have since been told (by workers in local grow supply store) others report smaller plants in them as well. I have already planted more WTR in the airpots, so I will be able to compare.