New Grower The Truth About Feminized Seeds!!

Has anyone bred a femmed plant from a femmed seed; with a male to get seed? And did the resulting seed hermie? And if so at what rate ex.) 1 in 10? Sound off brothers!
I will be testing this soon with a baseline 10 seeds, but has anyone already?
I say put yourself in their shoes. You spend years and countless $$ perfecting "your" strain. Don't you want a little credit for it? Also - these breeders do it for a living and their livelyhood depends on it. On a side note, have you checked out the e-store here? Reg seeds abound! Go get some, make your own crosses and help out the community!

Kpex, Thank you for taking the time to share all that. I can agree with both sides, as I've said before breeder's should get paid for their work. I do understand how hard it is to make and get stable fem seeds so yeah I can understand as see how in the end result us the grower's save time, effort, & money, and the breeder's get what they deserve. At this point I'm working on my third grow... In the future when I get more experience and feel I'm able to contribute to the community I will. Until then I'll keep learning...
Has anyone bred a femmed plant from a femmed seed; with a male to get seed? And did the resulting seed hermie?

Yes - a few times, and I have never had a resulting (seed) plant hermie; granted I grow outdoors and the seeds are sprouted in their final container.

Plants just don't normally hermie - they hermie as a result of stress as a defense mechanism. Try to think of a plant that does hermie easily as posessing the trait "I stress easily" and not a "I grow balls outta no where" genetic trait. It is a response to environmental factors. Sativa genetics are a little different, but without getting too far into the science of it all, its all basically the same defense mechanism. Grow plants in a stress free environment and you can easily grow strains that hermie easily with out them hermie'ing. This can be difficult to do indoors unless you have an amazing grow room/setup.
Has anyone bred a femmed plant from a femmed seed; with a male to get seed? And did the resulting seed hermie? And if so at what rate ex.) 1 in 10? Sound off brothers!
I will be testing this soon with a baseline 10 seeds, but has anyone already?

the occurrence of hermi genetics has nothing to do with fem seed, it is the same as M/F seed. Breed a herm get a herm, just because your xx x xx has nothing to do with accelerating the herm trait.

fem S1 x Fem S1 of the same strain is a common exceptable breeding technique, known as inbreeding, it can be used for a faster way to homogenous trait selections. Then breed back to the same strain for m/f seed.
I see. Does the same concept then apply to soil... For instance I'm doing a comparison grow now between Fox Farms Ocean Forest vs Happy Frog. OF has the rep of "causing too many males/hermis". Meaning the soil itself alone won't cause hermis. But, if over watered or whatever while growing in it can CAUSE hermis by stressing the plant out with nute burn/lock. etc...
Its the strong nutes in the OF that cause the plants stress. Nute stress will make many -o- plant hermie.
I was thinking about doing a bubblegum breeding project but the gum pheno trait is not very dom so it may make sense to breed from fems as you can not tell if the male has the gum pheno type. I have done a fair few strains and for me fems seem to be a touch more light sensative i suppose it depends how the fems are made i would bet organic fems would be more touchy as the have not used chems to stress them just light cycles which that trait will be passed on to the seeds
I love me some Bubblegum! Been lucky enough to have access to fresh batches every month for the last 4 months! I'm stoned as shit right now off of some lol :howdy: I'll be growing some of that soon! Good luck with that project Agito! :buds: