New Grower The Truth About Feminized Seeds!!

Wow guys thanks for all your time and replies. I agree and understand with all your individual points. My main goal of this thread was to see if they are really unstable (hermis and mostly male) but I see if you the breeder take the hard time and get a good stable fem seed (I do know how they are produced so yes, it is hard work really and time consuming) I can see why they are more now. There's always other sides to the stories. As most of us on here are grower's on a budget, I wanted to get the consensus on them before I spent money I really don't have on them. But, It will be a while before I purchase more seeds. Thanks again for everyone's input -- definitely great stuff here and useful for the entire AFN Community!
Thanks GrowerD!! Glad I could come up with something we could all benefit from!! I thank you all again for your personal contributions!! :cool:
First off, :thread:. I personally buy both. When there's something I like and want more seeds of, then I purchase reg. seeds. But like most of you, I to have limited space, and unless I'm making seed, I need those spaces filled with girls.

Now I have had several beans that were fem. from the JD. They were the Diesel Ryder's. There were 2 out of 5 beans that were males. But that's all. All the other fems have been females.
On the fem./hermie side, I've only had 2. And they were both photos. No problems from the auto's...

That's my :2cents:
Hey Thanks Ripster! I'm glad you came in and shared that. That's some pretty good ratios. 2 males and 2 photo hermis! No Auto problems with hermis. That's pretty sweet! :howdy:
I want as many opinions on this as possible. What are your experiences with Feminized seeds? I've read they have a higher male/hermi rate...

I have personally never had a fem seed go hermie on me - photo or Auto. In order to make a fem seed, you have to force the mother to become a hermie. Its ability to do that is in the genetics. Once you try to force a female to hermi, you will see that some just do not respond to the stress, and some do. Now we are breeding with the ones that have a hermie gene, but a good breeder will only seed the mother that was the hardest to make into a hermie - or the most resistant to hermie. The offspring will, at most, have the same ability to go hermie. In theory if the breeder chooses a difficult plant to hermie, then the offspring will be difficult to hermie. Moral of the story, if your fem seed hermies, you must have stressed it to hell and back as no breeder in their right mind would throw their name on a plant that hermies easily (with an exception of some sativa dom strains where the only amazing genetics was stuck with a hermie gene, and that can always be worked out further - meaning the breeder is most likely bringing a new strain out early to compete with someone else). So if you get a hermie - look in the mirror. I'd be willing to bet money if its an indoor grow your temps are to balme.

I have also read this is just a way for the Breeders to ensure their genetics/work aren't stolen or copied. I can understand that but, I also agree with TBM as he thinks Fem seeds should then be offered at a lower price than regular seeds!

Fem seeds are a good way to "copyright" your genetics, especially if you bred for a very hermie resistant plant - so it will be next to impossible to strees it to make pollen and copy. A good breeder does this, and does this well. Hence why the hermie hype is just that - hype, for a respected breeder.

As far as pricing goes - we all would want cheaper beans, but the fact of it all is that people worked hard to make what they did, and they want to get some return on their investment. I for one, don't mind paying more for Fem seeds, as I know that I don't have to waste space on males every grow, and that savings brings value to me, so I will pay more for that value. I, however; would like for breeders to release their genetics in reg format after a given amount of time. Besides, their genetics (if they are that good) will most likely be crossed with very quickly - so it would be in their best interest to release originals of the strain to keep it alive. If not, it will fade away into genetics land and the name may continue if they are lucky. But a Fem only strain will be bastardized quickly.

Since you can copy regular beans you would think they WOULD charge more to discourage that! LOL but, they charge more for fem... I think TBM makes more sense!

TBM always makes more sence, but just ask every pharmacutical company why they copyright their drugs. People will steal and try to make a profit while riding on the coat tails of the hard workers. Its just a part of business and a fact of life. I would love for Fem seeds to be cheaper - but I also want world peace and a cure for cancer.

I say put yourself in their shoes. You spend years and countless $$ perfecting "your" strain. Don't you want a little credit for it? Also - these breeders do it for a living and their livelyhood depends on it. The rest of us do it for fun to make our own medicine or as a hobby, as a consensus, we don't mind sharing genetics - but we aren't running a business on it. The old school pureists will sell in reg format only and charge a high price. The business breeders will make Fem only strains and still charge a high price; if not higher. There is a balance of how good the genetics are vs the price and reg availability.

I have no problems with Fem seeds - I don't think it will contaminate the gene pool. People also say Autos will ruin the future of the genetics - I don't buy that either. Thats why we have seed collectors - to keep the original genetics alive.

On a side note, have you checked out the e-store here? Reg seeds abound! Go get some, make your own crosses and help out the community!
as no breeder in their right mind would throw their name on a plant that hermies easily

Oh ya, I know plenty. But ya there probably not in there right mind...:no:

And how about the fools out there who are even advertizing that they "just let the plant go a couple extra weeks so it throws nanners and then using that pollen to breed with...???". Thats a completely ignorant breeder.
^- actually its quite natural for most pure Sativas to do that. Sativas will naturally grow balls as its lifecycle ends. It's not really something you can breed out w/out throwing an indica in there somewhere. But - I hear ya - for those who breed a mix to say that is pretty crazy.

I'd love to start a hermie thread to help identify strains that are prone. I know the majority of hermies are the result of growers actions, but I'm sure a few strains would show up frequently enough to say its in the genetics.
I crossed a male mi5 with a femmed devilmatic and got beans. Time will tell how they turn out.
As for femmed seeds in general. They work I am not a fan as I am trying to breed, however they are as advertised. No herming issues here
Fem Seeds = less Hassle

I have bought both fem and Reg seeds. Fem seeds are hip if you want generalized Fem seeds results with less hassles. Fem's are also genetically not 100% too. Breeders require a static platform to create the fems for mass market sales. This will always stunt cannabis plant genome versatility and hence variety limitations per plant. If you want quick results then fem seeds are gold, but if you are a hobby grower with time to see plants develop, regular seeds will produce slightly better results. some auto Fems seeds turn into dwarfs. This is the drawback of having "Closed Genetics", plants that only grow one way.