Lighting The tale of Psycho and Green Princess (Northern Lights)

Day 47 and last days first issue with a plant.
I think it is nute burn (shown in photos) from first and only one feeding with 20ml Orgtrex and 1g Bactrex with 0.5l water, from adding biotabs some 4 weeks ago. At first, I was also suspucious about calcium deficiency so today I watered with BioBizz CalMag (0.75ml per liter) but not sure if that wass smart to do.
I am also having bottom leafs, and some middle, felling down but no light there and I assumed plant was feeding from them so I decided it is a time for first feed, 6 days ago.
Grow is 100% organic and I dont measure PH and EC nor it is an option now.
Before feeding with Orgatrex and Bactrex there were not signs of nute burn, only deficiency in bottom leafs.
Aslo thinking of adding new 1 biotab so to avoid more Orgatrex in this grow. Biotab needs some week or two to start working so it may be good to do as plant is quiet big.




Last edited:
Day 50, 7 weeks old
Tall 98 cm
Added another Tab as I was thinking to do. Perhaps will continue with CalMag as well, here I am playing with luck as I dont have idea do I need CalMag





Last edited:
Day 57, 8 weeks old
Removed the last Tab aded some 8 days ago and instead today or tomorrow will receive Bio PK 5-8 from Biotabs as advised. I assume I will be able to use it only once, maybe twice before flush.
Seems like plant will be harvested within the next 2 weeks but will try to keep her alive as long aa possible
Indeed it started to mature a bit too fast






Last edited:
Day 59
0.16 m2



Last edited:
Day 64, 9 weeks old




Love the HS1 I’m going to veg my plants with my two. I would bring your Telos out for flower though?
Love the HS1 I’m going to veg my plants with my two. I would bring your Telos out for flower though?
Hey, you have been missing here for while!
Hope life is good!
For my settup of 0.16m2 even HS1 is too strong. And not space in the room to set up bigger tent
But I am planing for DIY stealth closet box made specialy for stealth grow, so no sound nor smell nor visual appearance. Very important for me to be able to grow and be relaxed.
But it can be max 37.5cm × 75 cm × 190 cm (inside dimensions) and it will be made for HS1 with 60×90 diffuser but will also try to use it for Telos 0006. Do you think Telos 0006 could make sense in that much small space? Not to light stress the plants! Will use powerful fun with ajustable speed, the same one TaNg was using, and driver will be attached via remote cable so not in the grow box with Telos if I use it.
Hey life is always good even when it’s bad! I would continue as you are but bring the Telos 0006 out after a week or two of flower. Definitely too much light from the start. Good luck bro. It’s nice to hear from you. By the way great thread title! Laters
Nice !

I just harvested my NL @ 91 days. It's drying now but what I have sampled from mine is great smoke!
Hey life is always good even when it’s bad! I would continue as you are but bring the Telos 0006 out after a week or two of flower. Definitely too much light from the start. Good luck bro. It’s nice to hear from you. By the way great thread title! Laters
Thanks Bunny, planing any documented grow? It was lovely to see your grows here!