Lighting The tale of Psycho and Green Princess (Northern Lights)

Green Princess today got biotabs, one on each side.
At begin I was in doubt should I put seed straight in its final pot or should I first do it in solo cup and later transplate it as instructed by BioTabs.
Memphisto Genetics have also protocol with biotabs if planted straight in its final pot which is:
Lower half part of the pot fill with BioBizz All Mix and the rest of the pot fill with BioBizz Light Mix. Plant the seed in and after 2-3 weeks add biotabs on the sides, one per 5l of earth.
As I had BioTabs Starter Kit I decide to use it in this way:
I prepare final pot as guided.. mixed BioBizz Light Mix only, with Startrex and Mycrotrex and digged the hole and added on top of the hole 2 more grams of Startrex. Than filled the hole with fresh BioBizz Light Mix without adding anything and planted sprouted seed which was first soaked in water and germinated in Rootit sponge (germinating cube).
Two weeks later, today, 2 biotabs are added and watered with Orgatrex and Bactrex.
I also decided to do foliar spraying off all 3 plants with Boom Boom Spray from BioTabs as one small plant seemed to suffer from the heat, light or from the fan blowing air.

Got 128g of fresh weight of Golden Teachers mushrooms, first time harvest ever, I doubt I will have second harvest with this kit as on 2-3 mushrooms caps got open and spores may caused contamination of grow kit.
But still more than happy with first successful farvest
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Looking good Vlada! Well done :d5:
I recently grew shrooms for the 1st time too: Cambodians.


Btw, I like seeing someone else still use a GN HS1 too. Good luck with your grow.
Day 22 for Green Princess, the one that is bigger than other two and in bigger pot.
So far all goes smooth and excelent
Northern Lights should be of very low odor, was growing them before, photopheriod ones and they had very little smell.
Those autos from Nirvana have already very pungent and skunky odor that imidiately fills the whole room if I open the tent so lets see how it will be in flower.
Actualy seems like I have 2 phenotypes. One of two smaller plants, the Psycho, the one on the right side, just recently started to develop a bit skunky smell so that plant may stay of low odor.
What do you think, would it be possible to grow them all in this small space of 0.16m2?
Getting leggy would not be preferable thats why I am hitting them with 2 fans so they grow robust. Their short genetics are of help as well. Would be happy with at least 80g from all 3, preferably above 100g.
Light distance for HS1 was around 60cm first week in seedling and now as close as 35cm. This HS1 is with 80×80 diffuser, wish I have 60×60

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Plants got second foliar spraying with Boom Boom Spray Bio Tabs.
It should be applied once in veging and once per week for first two weeks of flowering.
And in cause of stressed plant. It gives strenght and health to the plant, 100% organic.
Front left plant, brown spots could be noticed on fan leaf (down left). It is Magnesium defficiency I think, so I just ordered Cal Mag Bio Bizz. It will be my first time using calcium or magnesium.
I had always used only bottled water, this time around I am using tap water exposed to the sun for some 2 days. Tap water doesnt have calcium and magnesium so I was expecting to have issue with it.

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Few hours after the Boob Boom Spray a bit more work done exposing side brances to the light. Side branches' growth is realy good with those genetics, all I do is regulary trying to bend fan leaves exposing side branches. Those branches are fast approaching the height of main colas, it will be nice even conopy which means good penetration with HS1 light and better yield.
Within a week will start daily defolitation of fan leaves, it is getting overcrowded here.
Small plant on the left not showing pistils jet while Green Princess and Psycho both rush to flower.



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Day 25 for Green Princess
She is growing very fast now, from this morning till this evining, so some 10 hours, she grow 5 cm and now stands at 44 cm. I think it is realy good for 25 days old automatic. Side branches, all but one, so 8 of them, are all at about the same high not far from main branch. Unfortunately some 7 days ago I snapped one small side branch close to top and its twin branch is getting of very good size now but ok, more food for the rest of them.
I will let her finish with stretching phase and than will open her side branches and keep bending and sometimes snapping fan leafs and the whole grow space will soon be only for her, the Princess.








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Last night small plant, one on the left is removed, it was the most stinky and skunky one and definitely not of low odor Northern Lights has reputation for, as it is the case with other two plants. Now room smells noticable less when the tentis is open. It was also only one still not showing any pistils, a bit different pheno I think, maybe with potencial of longer vegging and getting bigger than overage ones. When I snaped her apart, strong, sweet and lovely fragrance immediately filled the room as if I were triming some resing droping buds. Almost.:)
Fingers got lovely glued from that 10 seconds snapping apart action. Interesting!
Very curious how well that plant would perform and what smoke it would give if I grow her fully in a properly sized pot.

Psycho is still with Green Princess but not for long. I think Princess will fill nicely my tiny tent and it will be simplier to keep it simple. And very adorable to watch her grow.
As told before, the Kingdom just happen to be to small for both of them to grow. But it was good try and a lot of fun to deal with 3 of them.


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Looking good Vlada! Well done :d5:
I recently grew shrooms for the 1st time too: Cambodians.

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Btw, I like seeing someone else still use a GN HS1 too. Good luck with your grow.
How do you like Cambodians?
Did you manage to have more than one harvest?
I just had second one but now I see it is contaminated by spores by late harvested shrooms. So I guess not 3rd final harvest for me. Love those aliens!
How do you like Cambodians?
Did you manage to have more than one harvest?
I just had second one but now I see it is contaminated by spores by late harvested shrooms. So I guess not 3rd final harvest for me. Love those aliens!

They're amazing. Maybe even more so because I grew them myself. I had a small 3rd flush. Did you soak the substrate in water in the fridge for 24 hours between flushes? You can try scraping off the spores or top layer of substrate before the soaking.
They're amazing. Maybe even more so because I grew them myself. I had a small 3rd flush. Did you soak the substrate in water in the fridge for 24 hours between flushes? You can try scraping off the spores or top layer of substrate before the soaking.
Still in the proccess of second harvest as I am now harvesting one by one as they grow (experiment). Soaked for 12 hours after 1st hatvest and of course will do the same after 2nd.
Huu, I thought the same, to scrap black contaminated spots before soaking again. Cool I will do it.
Happy tripping!
