The Pony tail technique: just leaf tucking?

I like to take them off after 2 or 3 days because I didn't want anything to underdevelop too bad inside the ponytail. I have not really tried to keep them tied up longer but eventually they will die off.
Ok, ya just put it on loose just enough to lift so light can hit growth. I was just saying last night I need to get light in, but was unsure how to do. This worked perfect just need to get them going a bit. Thanks bud.
I leave on for a few hrs at most. Do a couple times and that seems to be enough. With the right strain some good ponytailing and leaf tucking can get ya one hell of a even canopy with no slow down or stress period.
Pipe cleaners from the dollar store work wonders. You can just bend into a loop at a given node and slide it up the top. Worked wonders for my Critical Purple (instead of topping)