Got my eye on those remo nutes, been watch his youtube stuff and they seem to perform well. Expensive though.
They are pretty easy to use at each feed level you keep everything consistent so I don't know I haven't looked at the price. I'm not using as much as I thought I would so that's a good thing.
Brie day 40 :
Whole plant and bud shot from lower budsite

They are pretty easy to use at each feed level you keep everything consistent so I don't know I haven't looked at the price. I'm not using as much as I thought I would so that's a good thing.

I've only found them on ebay so far in the UK, the full set of 1lt bottles will set you back £150 notes. Was kinda hopping they would do a tester pack.
@Dinafem-Mark I know you're very generous with your competitions, but maybe you'd be up to just one more?

What would you think about a guess the weight competition on this little Haze CBB with the winner getting a pack of CBD seeds?


44 inches tall and at least that wide. If she puts on buds the way the industrial plant CBD does I think this could go two pounds. But, I've never grown this strain before so I'm not really sure.