@briman thank you sir. @GoAuto6 should we just periodically ask you to open then post pics? Don't want to over work you open and closing 12 threads can me a mess. Do we have the ability to delete replies in a thread?
I always thought there would be ONE photo tread ... and here we chat about the plants and post pics ofc aswell:pass:

i don't like the idea of locked treads

part of the fun is having comments :cheers: the AFN way we share and help each other
I think the idea was for the comments to all be here. Then when you wanted to judge the grows it would be easier as you could scroll through the picture thread instead of having to spend hours trying to find the pics from each grow in a ninety page thread. I like the idea I just don't think we are going to be able to pull it off with us not being able to close and open our own threads.