Grow Mediums The Medicine Man - Medical Test Grows

Glad you're so pumped! It's so great to hear the excitement :)

Enthusiasm breeds Enthusiasm....:wiz:

The patient who said it was one of her faves is very prone to paranoia

Yup..this is the one I said not to feed any Deep Chunk too..until further testing.

IMO..any Girl that doesn't aggrevate Her condition is Likely a good one for depression..
so we will see if we can Test that out a bit further with Spirit51..

For the other patient, the only issue he had was it was a creeper. He's used to
having effects happen inside of 10 minutes or so. He's got loads of pain from
nis neurological disorder, so to have that be the only real issue is great.

He needs to Up his meds slightly to counteract it..
I know from my nerve damage that if it allowed to build gets Very resistant..
to ANYTHING..:no:

so you have to overdose for a while to get it into your system to get the Effect..

BTW...been having a go at the cannabis salve...:thumbs:

Really rudimentry..but it works..WELL...

gonna try a little enhancement with a bit of concentrated chilli oil I made earlier in the season.

Try a little Synergy...

Feel a bit like a witch doctor ATM..but...hey....:stir:
Almost everything I've given to this girl has had DC in it for what that's worth. She's really been doing great with those crosses.

And nice thought with the chili oil in the salve. I've just been putting peppermint essence in mine. Just canna coconut oil and beeswax with some essence in it.
spirit51 sounds interesting...

I was thinking about the salve earlier today. VERY keen to try when I can. I think Im going to go with peppermint as an additive. It excuses the green colour and adds to the tingle. I also have some hemp oil cream (with coconut oil) and hemp oile balm which is oil and beeswax. Might be good to incororate the two together to make use of hemp oils anti-inflam properties, plus is brilliant for the skin so an application of it on a salve woouldnt hurt - thouh the real thing as an added ingredient might just do the same as the hemp oil but better?

btw Wiz if yr still about - how many laves are you using for juice?
btw Wiz if yr still about - how many laves are you using for juice?

12 large Older fans..taking into consideration that the large fans are more mature and more likely to have gone over to CBD..I split this into two drink..
one for brekkie when your body need a lift and one around teatime.

Made the mistake the first time of trying Indy leaves the first time..and using sati for a 8-9pm one..and spent half the night lying awake with the bloody sati..
so Worth thinking about..

I felt a bit giddy..heart racing..the first dose..
so I would say Definite Effect...:wiz:

VERY keen to try when I can.
Eased my neck pain.

Tried it on the other half..whip-lash kinda pain after an accident the other day..
and the other half is a cynic..

Peppermint would be Good because it is one of the Irritants that brings blood to the surface..
same as the chilli

Eucalyptus Might be better..and also cover the colour...

I'm gonna try it with Olbas Oil in as well..don't know if you can get it in the US..
I picked the Tip up on a pain-site..and it works for I Thought the combo would be good...:thumbs:

Do you have the nutty toasted smell to your processed oil..?

I get it..
and was gonna ask TBM if it was my processing method..
coz it is quite Strong..
masking it would be hard..
and IF I can Perfect it..I'd like to send some to the UK for my moms hip problem..
so I would like to eliminate..rather than mask it if possible.
So the juicing is working out well for ya so far?

And no, I don't have a toasted flavor to the coconut oil. I mostly taste the canna. I use fresh trim, though, and not dried or frozen, so that I'm sure contributes to the taste of mine.
Im in the right country for Eucalyptus oil here in Aus. The hemp seed oil I buy is pretty smelly yeah. The beeswax balm has a fairly strong hemp smell but the coconut oil isnt as noticeable. Damn good for the skin though!!

When I do try and make some I might take the easy option and try some Dr Bronners soap as the "flavourer". Being liquid soap it should mix in (I hope though I know nothing about this sorta thing) and is also totally organic, with lotsa essential oils including hemp. They have peppermint as well as eucalyptus (as well as others) so I will give a try when I can.

I havent heard of Olbas Oil but will look into it. Emu Oil is apparantly another 'good oil' with Aussie flavour.

If its making you giddy I might start with a few less than 14 then! Might try in a milkshake so will start with small amount to see how taste/effect etc go.

Btw, whilst on subject or oils, butters etc - I was told by my optometrist that Ghee Butter was the best to use for edibles as has a very high natural fat content. I havent tried yet so cant say myself but he did have a few bonus degrees in therapeutic medicines for eye probs and their uses/effects etc so I'll take his word and give it a go when I can.

og..could you fill this in for me Bro...on Spirit..

  • How did You find her to Grow...easy..normal or hard.....
  • How much Feed did she need..light...medium..heavy...
  • How long did she take germ to yield..
  • Any grow Problems..
Back later for a yap...

Have a great weekend...:smokebuds:
Took a nice shot of Brenda today showing her colors. Very, very fun aroma to this one. It totally reminds me of pink starburst!

I also put a pic in here of a deep chunk cross I've grown out that's, well, chunky. And no, I'm in 5th grade with my friendship bracelet.... :cool:

View attachment 32075

THAT is what i am talking about OG :jump: her color is amazing and where i wanted it to be. Now i am ready to see how it hits your patients.
RSV said that his was strong so well see if we get the same from over there. IF we do i have them going where i want them Color and power.
og..could you fill this in for me Bro...on Spirit..

  • How did You find her to Grow...easy..normal or hard.....
  • How much Feed did she need..light...medium..heavy...
  • How long did she take germ to yield..
  • Any grow Problems..
Back later for a yap...

Have a great weekend...:smokebuds:

I'd say pretty easy to grow. As some know I grew these with water right after a sodium filled water softener. With all that sodium in the water surely locking out potassium, you still have the pictures to prove what they looked like, and that was really nice. Two grew about 28 inches tall and one was around 18-20 inches. And, some will also remember I've only been growing since March of this year, and these were some of the first autos I'd grown from seed to harvest. So, while I've acquired a wealth of knowledge over the last few months (research scientist) I'm still be all means a novice. To get something that was a patient favorite as a novice I think is pretty stellar.

Feed... I had them pretty inline with what's considered normal for most grows. I pushed them to around 1.5 ec and that was too much as they started to get tip burn, and dropped it back to around 1.1 ec (total, with .2 ec in the water already).

From germ to harvest if I remember was around 67-70 days.

And grow problems? Not really at all besides what I already knew about with my water. I've since got a nice RO/DI unit for some 0ppm water for the grows which is nice and will have 6 400w HPS lights to add to the mix next week. I had quite a few plants under one 600w light. :) I'd say Spirit would be a great thing to have for a beginner or experienced auto enthusiast. Definitely turned amber, too.
Some new shots to keep everyone salivating a little...

ICU#4 - little blurry 'cause the camera caught focus of the leaves instead, but a fat chunky little thing. It's standing around 7 inches tall. I've got another ICU that's around 15 inches tall.

Brenda!! Here's some color.


This is a photo DC cross... blowfish x dc

and another photo cross, Chocolate Thai x DC. yum.