New Grower The Killing Fields (aka My First Grow)

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I can see a bit of discoloration on a few leaves on the auto sativa, so you may have a lockout situation. Flushing won't hurt and it seems to have brought your other ones back in line.

Once those leaves curl down like that they probably won't straighten back out. No worry though as long as your pH is good.

I started to flush the Sativa today with 6.6 water, but the first bit of run off tested at 6.4. So, I added a half tsp. of Cal-Mag to a gallon and just gave her a regular watering.

My guess is that it's a deficiency, not a lock out?
Did I do the right thing?
Muddy may have a better answer, but seeing how your ph is fine then yes, looks like more of a deficiency to me, not lockout. That should turn around in 2-3 days.
Got my notepad out and here to learn ;).

Plants look great. I especially like the Sativa you got going!
Yo, stash.

Right.. until I can take all this in properly.. stop with the beating yourself up and assuming the worst before you start. All I'm going to say for now is this:

Whether you think you can or think you can't grow a half-decent pot plant... you're right.


Phew.. what a journey those girls have had, stash!!

I have many observations extranea to the plants.. since you seem to have been supported pretty well up until now.. so I'm focusing on things like attitude (already told you off about that) and wilingness to listen to other growers (very good) and your resilience (very good) and technical understanding (very good) and in my little world you show the best thing of all which is love for the girls. And if you had none of that I reckon those girls would have fizzled out and died 2 days after those first snaps.

It's funny.. as I was going down your OP I was thinking much the same as Muddy... thinking "good.. yep good... that's cool... ah.. fucking Miracle Grow again that explains a lot" :D

Jokes aside, though.. the very fact that you DID have MG near your plants, almost fried them alive yet managed to keep them going and pull them back from the brink into what looks like really nice, vinyl healthy leaves is no easy task. I know what it took for you to stick with that. You've learned a massive amount from this first attempt mate. Seriously you'll see how much when you start your next grow.
I'm well impressed because not everyone could have managed that even with help from the forum, so + rep earned if for no other reason than your willingness to listen to the other guys here and APPLY IT. I have faith in your future growing powers.

You're not alone, either.. I'm plagued wth problems right now. Next week my Reverse Osmosis filter arrives.. so for the first time I'll be starting with water that doesn't have an ec of 0.9 before I even add anything to it, and enough calcium p/litre to lockout four tonnes of magnesium lol!! I've been at this for 2yrs now and still I haven't had a fully problem-free grow apart from my very first one because I've never ben able to get enough feed into the girls, or it's been too hot for them. My margin for error is (well.. will be until next week) SO thin that one tiny mistake at any point in flowering and I lose half my yield.. and it's always in flower that I see defs and toxicities which has been costing me literally tens of thousands in lost yield.

After eliminating most other probs.. I worked out yesterday that I'm seeing rampant K (potassium) deficiences. Although I was so certain that it was calcium or iron deficiency caused by a lockout. No.. it's just my bloody tapwater forcing me to use about a third of the feed that I need to use!!

So welcome to the club man. :D

Ps.. I've just finished an SAS and I have to say she tastes out of this world. I'll definitely be growing her again.
Won't you help save the children???
:crying: :crying: pity party much? lol

yeah looks like you hit the nutes too hot too soon... and maybe caused a ph issue along the way.....

didnt read the whole thread but just caught up on your pic update... you've come along way mate! :clap: :thumbs: lookin good plus rep!

Wow, I just read ur whole thread. I thought I was having issues. You went to hell and back and still managed to pull through like a champ!!! You give me hope Stash! Keep it up, these experiences only make you a better grower so more power to you!!!
BigBuddah back online! I thought we had lost ya bro. Glad to see you.
Honestly, I can't wait for my second grow. I'm sure there will be problems, but I think that "helpless" feeling will be gone and I'll be able to recognize problems earlier and take corrective action sooner.
After all, it's just a plant.
:crying: :crying: pity party much? lol

yeah looks like you hit the nutes too hot too soon... and maybe caused a ph issue along the way.....

didnt read the whole thread but just caught up on your pic update... you've come along way mate! :clap: :thumbs: lookin good plus rep!


What can I say, I was having a Sally Strothers moment and feeling like a bit of a "Meathead".
Only like 10% of the members will probably get those references... "those were the days".

Thanks for the encouragement JM.
If I can give you any newbie to newbie advice, it would be that growing these Autos is a bit like flying a small plane. You don't have a lot of time to react to a problem and you have to make small corrections to avoid crashing.
Your girls are looking sweet. Hope the high temps are helping to dry them out.