Outdoor The Kaylx Kid's 2011 Fast Bud Windowsill Grow Journal



The Kalyx Kid's 2011 Fast Bud Windowbox Stealth Grow

First off let me say that this board is awesome. I've been following autos for a couple of years now. But I had no idea how many varieties there would be after not checking the scene for a year. I am real happy to see the progress that has been made, and the numerous strains that are available now.

My Background

I am sort of an experienced gardener. I've had many aborted attempts that never went to flower, mostly growing bag seeds from N Cali and unknown origins.

I did pull off one successful grow of bag seeds under 4 x (2 x 40W) shop light fluorescents. I had two varieties, one a very indica phenotype with dark, wide leaves and hash plant like buds.

The other was an indica/sativa variety with a really fruity, citrus aroma and a relatively compact growth, but slightly taller than the indica.

I used soil mixed with perlite and vermiculite, with fish emulsion as the only fertilizer. The yield was small, but quality was very decent.

10 Years Later, And Boy Thing Have Changed!

So, it's time to give it another shot. I'm using the same sort of soil mix, with perlite and vermiculite as soil conditioners. I added 3 TBSPs of some organic fertilizer, with NPK about 6 - 2 - 2 (I forget). It just look like nice, black earth. I can't be more specific because the writing on the bag is in a language I can't read.

In any case, I'm growing 5 feminized Fast Bud seeds from Sweet Seeds, via Nirvana. Shipping took forever because of their automated addressing system. I told them it was wrong, but they ignored me. Took a month. I was waiting until 21 business days to get a refund, but it came just before the deadline. Ok, then.

Pots are about 8" in diameter, a little taller than that. I estimate 5L, it doesn't say on the bottom. I wanted to go with larger, square containers, but I didn't find them until after I'd bought the standard round pots, and plus the square pots were more expensive ($2.50 each). I'm on a serious budget, so we're hoping nature just does it's thing. I got the standard pots for about $0.65 just for reference). I told ya I'm on a budget!

Dear Diary...I Want Bud, And I Want It ASAP!

July 2 - Morning - seeds placed in wet paper towels, covered with plastic wrap. Ambient temperatures are warm but comfortable.

July 3 - Early Afternoon - by 30 hours or so all 5 seeds have popped. I placed them in the pots, just poked a tiny hole with my finger, maybe 2cm deep, and loosely filled the hole with soil. Pots were already watered, so I just sprayed water liberally over the planting site.

I actually mixed like three different pottng soils together, but it looks good. Nice and black. I ran out and had to buy different soil, so one pot has a browner looking mix. I added the organic fertilizer so I don't expect major problems. Gravel, perlite, and vermiculite fill the bottom 2" for drainage. Lots of perlite and vermiculite throughout for the same reason.

Outside temperature is hot, partly sunny and humid. It can get really hot here, so I use semi-transparent corrugated plastic sheets to diffuse the light. Windowsill is West facing, which is not ideal, but I reckon they'll get about 5-6 hours of the setting sun, and a decent amount of ambient light throughout the morning and early afternoon. It can rain a lot too, so I hope there's enough light to at least get a half oz per plant. We'll see.

Pest Control

I've had rats or something eat my previous attempt at Lowlife's Auto Mix Pack, so this time I erected a 10" high fence of white plastic gardening screen cloth held up by sticks taped and glued to the sides of the pot.

I made an infusion of garlic and black pepper, and have been spraying it all over the pots, the netting, and the surrounding areas. The tops are open, though, so I will either need to close them (a pain in the ass, I would have to get more netting), or just hope that they make it to seedling stage OK. I think once they are established they will no longer be vulnerable, but I'll keep the netting on anyway until I'm convinced they're safe. I'm not losing these babies to anything! The open top may be a good compromise for lighting. I will add a white styrofoam sheet behind the plants, next to the window, to reflect light and hide view of the plants from inside. I don't have many visitors to the room, but not seeing lots of green will hopefully save me if someone (a special lady perhaps) were to visit.

July 4 - By early evening all 5 sprouts are just about popping out. I sort of cheated and cleared away some of the soil on top to look. I put a thin layer back, and sprayed water over the area to give them a drink. More garlic/pepper spray, and I'll spray again tonight. They should all be little happy sprouts when I check them in the morning!!!

So far I'm pleased with the genetics, and the seeds are obviously fresh and vigorous. That's a good sign!

OK, now that you know the background my reports will be shorter and I'll take pictures whenever there's anything worth viewing. I'll start tomorrow morning if those little babies pop out, which I'm almost certain they will.

- The Kalyx Kid
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Thanks for the welcome, Joe! I'll see this one through as best I can. I forgot how much I love gardening.

July 4 - bedtime for the kid - quick update...all 5 babies have poked their heads out. I really hope no critter gets them over the next few days.

Pictures tomorrow...
:howdy:TheKalyxKid you grow sound nice and look forward to seeing you babys and a big welcome :D
Look forward to seeing some pictures.
Hey there mate!

welcome to the site. Hopefully those fast buds treat you alright! :thumbs:

July 5

Weather: Very hot, mostly sunny.

All 5 girls have surfaced and are turning green, so all seems well. Pic 1 shows the anti-pest screen and the light-diffusing panels that protect my babies from the scorching tropical sun.

Pots are still moist, but I gave them a couple light mistings to make them cool and comfortable.

Pics 2-6 show the sprouts in order from #1-5. #3 is a little bit runty.I did pull off the seed shell on a couple of these, especially #3, being careful to use a light touch as to not disturb them. I use a little baby talk while I do it so the don't get upset :)

So far I gotta say Fast Bud is fast! I don't think I've ever seen such accelerated progress in only three days. The warm climate and ample moisture must be helping.

Once these babies turn into seedlings, and as my budget allows, I'm going to buy an air pump to aerate the water I give them. FullDuplex says this will increase growth even in a small or medium sized pot, and I want to maximize their growth given their limited conditions.


I'm starting to rethink the light diffusing screens, as the might be acting more like light-blocking screens. But the thing is, they do let some light through and provide almost 100% camouflage. I have some time to rethink this, but I don't want to risk exposing the plants to public eyes.

Granted, no one is really close enough to see exactly what sort of plants they are. I thought about taking the screens down altogether, but they also function to keep my room a bit cooler when the sun is blasting through basically a wall of windows.

I also know that adding a styrofoam sheet behind the plant swill reflect a lot of light back.

What to do? Any suggestions for materials that would allow more light through without giving away what I'm doing? I thought about cutting the tops of the panels too to allow more light to come in from the top, so only the tops of the plants could be visible from neighbors, who probably never look out their windows anyway. I can't just buy anything I want, though, and I will be limited to what I can find locally, as in common hardware or arts and crafts materials.

I'm willing to sacrifice cooling my room a bit to provide optimal light for my plants. I have to maximize my yield because I don't have the money to put together an indoor setup, although I am seriously researching LEDs for winter and/or greater stealth altogether. If I use the sun wisely I think I can get good results even with a west facing window.

Thanks for any tips or suggestions.
I decided to cut a window out of the light-duffusing screens at the level of the white netting I wrapped around each pot. This allows more sunlight, although still indirect. I also added a plain white stryofoam sheet behind the plants to reflect whatever light would normally go through the plants and through the window.


All 5 babies are happy, showing the first true leaves in their miniature cuteness. I expect the next set to start emerging tomorrow, when I'll post the next set of pictures.

I am still considering removing the light diffusing screen directly in front of the plants altogether. The white netting would camouflage those characteristic fan leaves nicely, while still allowing in slightly diffused sunlight. Actually I think these guys can handle the full sun, they seem perfectly happy in the heat and are growing at record pace.

But I wonder if the netting would attract attention. On the whole nobody would think twice, much less ask questions, as everybody has something growing on their windowsill/windowboxes. None of the neighbors above, below, or to the side can even see what's growing.

For other reasons in general I am considering moving to the country or to my own place. I am also seriously looking into getting a 200-300W LED and just going completely indoors. Ambient temps are always warm here, so a cool running LED would be perfect, not even taking into account their efficiency.
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July 7 - Weather: hot and sunny - all five plants are doing as well as can be expected. Some have wider, fatter leaves, some have longer, thinner leaves. There is some variation in size, but that could have to do with their position and how much light they've been getting. I will rotate them daily from now on. I also lost track of which was which based on the first set of photos, but from now on they are labeled and we'll be able to track the progress of each plant.

I haven't watered since planting. Soil is still slightly moist, but since I'll be gone tomorrow I will give them a drink tonight so they won't go thirsty.

Pictured below, the plants in numerical order from #1-5. Anyone think they should be bigger by now?

They are looking cool for only being 5 days old. Rite on schedule Id say judging by mine. Sweet.