Outdoor The growing of Dirk Steinbach

Today I cutted two plants who showed signs of getting mould. Luckily it wasn't too much of it, only two little buds got this botrytis shape. Two super skunk automatic gave me around 260 grams of wet buds. I'm excited what turns out after drying. Right now they are in my stealth dry box. Not even a little smell gets out of there. As sticky as glue this automatic buds.




I think the rest of my super skunkies follow their sisters fate soon.
The private garden is growing along, flowering signs everywhere.




To celebrate my first harvest, I puffed one joint out of a little bud I dried fast for testing the potency of my super skunk automatic - right in front of the growing plants I thought: You're next girl [emoji23]

At the moment there are four big devil xl, three White widow xxl, three Blue cheese and two super skunk automatic into their flowering and will take approx. 1 month to finish up. The Thc bomb is growing just perfect with big healthy leafes and strong stems. Right now it's my favourite plant, and it's not even flowering [emoji1]

Oh, I forgot to report you the potency of the super skunk automatic. I chopped them with 95% trichomes milky and the rest amber.

The smell is weedy and a bit fruity with a note of citric smells, and it's not even cured perfectly.

The smoke was smooth and right after a few puffs a chilly breeze turned through my mind. My body wasnt stoned, it was nearly a complete high. This high stayed for hours and changed into a stoned feeling - just nice and barely to describe fully. I dont understand people that say automatic weed will never get you as high as photo weed, this one just did great for me.
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