If you type them up once into a spreadsheet (I did with mine and I have 70 currently) you can then copy and paste it if you ever need to. Mine are split into photos and autos, and quantity of each.
90%+ of my strains are photos only just got into actively purchasing autos was feeding my curiosity with freebies but now it's evolved into real interest.
Anybody done the BCN XXL critical? I've got those and bbg(unsure if ill run any more i cant be having another monster naughto it really messed with my shit and now a dark cloud hangs above the remaining 4 seeds) and a fair few from them who will not be directly named (quick colas). Managed to bag myself 3 Mephisto auto blues for £18 the other day so I'm buzzing about that. I write them all into my treasured notebook so I know what I've got it saves getting them out the fridge and having to rake through them all each time I want to choose new ones . I have 10 different autos and 6 of those are from them who were mentioned above but shall not be directly named. Don't wanna get in trouble,
What remains are BCN XXL critical, bbg, auto blues and monster mash by exotic seed. Waiting on 3 deliveries(mainly photoperiod) with new stuff this week which the auto blues is part of so there'll probably be an auto freebie or two among them too. I'm being sent something "special" from Santi at exotic seed to run a test grow on. I have no more information at this time but I'm sure I'll know more on arrival. Would be cool to give out/swap a couple of those then grow them out at the same time and see what happens. I'll just take photos of my notebook to save me typing them all in.
I'll probably be in for round 2, not due to lack of faith but depending when it starts and what's going on. They've handled it extremely well, I think. Good! As Itisi said, dealing with it rather than fobbing you off with the "souvenirs" rubbish. I currently have one each of 1:1 CBD Silver Lime Haze and OG Candy Dawg Kush.