Outdoor The garden Autoflowering [Nov. 2011]



Hi all

First I want to introduce myself I'm from southern Mexico and growing for 2 years. Here where I live the climate is tropical and sunny days. I do not speak English though I understand a little so they will also implement my mastery of this language and with their help to achieve what I want.

October 10 Diesel Ryder seeds germinate a Autoflowering of which were males these are the two females have come across a street and another one that a friend gave me. The idea is to take 50% seed and 50% regular autoflowering to continue making more crosses



These two females are pollinated





began to germinate a ak 47 auto emf in a few days I upload the photos.

Thanks for your comments and your help I hope you can understand what I do.

happy smoke
I envy your climate mate!!

Welcome to the site! Great seeing what you have on the go.

I have thought about adding google translator to the website. To help some of the non english folks.

I envy your climate mate!!

Welcome to the site! Great seeing what you have on the go.

I have thought about adding google translator to the website. To help some of the non english folks.


Thank you very much for the welcome that is the warmth that I was waiting for my good hunch is failing in this forum.

I am using a translator of google in order to communicate better. I hope to improve both my English and in my crops autoflowering to see what happens with the regular crossing male autoflowering

happy smoke
Welcome oxy and good luck with your project! I also envy you and your climate. Happy Smoke to you too!
se ve bien mi amigo estas plantas.
Mi auto-floración Haze va a hacer bien en tu clima

keep up the good work hoop too see more of your work

Welcome oxy and good luck with your project! I also envy you and your climate. Happy Smoke to you too!

Thank you and welcome I can say about my climate I have an idea in southeastern Mexico.

I hope to get the most out of my UBLICATION to get the best crop.

Happy smoke and fumes