Indoor The forum stomper and blue toof special show

Day 49... This Toof Special is doing nothing... I tied it down to get more light,still nothing... Its just bushy as hell... Depression is starting to set in on me...
Its throwing out pistils, is it getting more height?
Its throwing out pistils, is it getting more height?
A little bit higher, definitely wider!!! It was reaching into the other pot!!!
What's your light schedule? Also, did you get these directly from mephisto? Its showing pistils isnt it? It's a little late but not bad. What size pot is it in?
What's your light schedule? Also, did you get these directly from mephisto? Its showing pistils isnt it? It's a little late but not bad. What size pot is it in?
20/4... Directly from mephisto... Yeah it is showing pistils... 3.9 gal autopot... Qb288 v2 135w kit...
I think it's doing well, just got to let this girl take her time. Cant rush these girls !
You have a great setup, the lights are excellent