Nice, so if you turn it up and cook your plants my odds will be getting way better in here
That could be the case?!?!? I didnt put a pot on the lamp so it's 100% or nothing... But now i can take the ppm/feed to 2500!!! Ya think
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going to have good smoke to see you through to new harvest!, a stoner's timing, cheers!
Ohhh and the good thing is..if i burn my crop..I have at least 2 elbows in jars and a harvest this weekend?!?!?... I lost my smoking partner,she quit( due to college),now ill have shit-tons to do something with...
I prefer your training!, how many times have you seen the word "awesome" ?!
Cheers trail you old flatterer!:pighug::pass:
I like to play with plants but the Victorian's were masters at it in the fruit garden, those dudes were on it.

Just say no to apical dominance!:headbang: :smoking:
Hey trail check this out, pretty cool huh!

A step over fruit tree

I like to train mine too but they look a bit more like this.

View attachment 709896 View attachment 709897
Maybe I should enter the next round of the Fast buds comp.
Unfortunately I'm testing the Dianfem Fruit Auto at the moment or I'd be in here doing this.
It's the top 5 from each round (out of two 2 rounds) that goes through too the final show down, if my memory serves me......right?
The top pic is a proper scrog( without net) this
this pic shows at best,canopy managment
@jingo don't you need to try something new and crazy... Potentially harmful to plants... I hear battery acid will make them grow more tops
Well let's see, I pinched 8 branches soft and tied them down, removed 6 fans from the main stem, fimmed the top cola and put dilute ga-3 on the branch tips so now she won't have a clue what hormones to throw.

I will either have a perfect monster or a perfect mess.