Afternoon [HASHTAG]#afngladiators[/HASHTAG] is some Auto Torture going on in here..are you All Sadistic..?...:coffee:

You are getting some glorious results...:bravo:..Happy looking Girls. Are we getting so much topping and fimming because of LED light..?

I could never consider fimming because even with my glasses on I would need a lighted magnifying loop to see those fim points.

You are better doing it by Feel anyway..:headbang:..just get your fingers below the last leaf joint and Nip it..

Never read about electroshock therapy. Do you think my TENS unit will work? I could stick one pad to the top of the plant and the other at the base. :rofl:


Only one way to know..we want a full report too!! It sounds crazy but all the experiments i read about ( outside the canna market) have been done on differents plants..there will always be studies and reports that say they can be beneficial if done correctly,but until WE try them,we dont know..this was part of why @pop22 created The Lab,as a way to prove/disprove peoples "theories"..git her done!!

There are Those that Think they Know Autos and there are those that Grows them..:headbang:..I Prefer my knowledge from those that Grows them..

Looking good!!

Thank you sir.. as do yours.. two being Nice to each other....:shrug:..makes me Nervous..:coffee:

[HASHTAG]#gogladiators[/HASHTAG] :d5:
Day 20 Tangie's bushing out!
Im not Dr. Death( well maybe at harvest time) but i am the King of Hurt,The Master of Pain,The Ayatollah of Asskickin,The Ruler of the Wasteland,all you have to do is walk away!!