I believe the plant should only feed through root base when growing indoors.
The more they feed through their leaves the more unused nutrients you are leaving in medium...leads to different problems..
Interesting concept. We have done some testing here with a foliar spray and one thing I can without a doubt say is optic foliar spray sure makes a difference side by side comparison doesn't lie.. you should give the live testing section a look. I had one plant give me almost an ounce more then its non sprayed sister... others had the same experience. Prior to the test I did not think much of it and now it goes on every plant..
Interesting concept. We have done some testing here with a foliar spray and one thing I can without a doubt say is optic foliar spray sure makes a difference side by side comparison doesn't lie.. you should give the live testing section a look. I had one plant give me almost an ounce more then its non sprayed sister... others had the same experience. Prior to the test I did not think much of it and now it goes on every plant..

I have to agree with Ripper on this one. Foliar has even saved a plant or two that had nute lock out for me.

I just tried the foliar with raw milk this morning :smoking: so we'll see what happens!:cheers:
I thought i had been but i have another pic of her.
Say 32, temp 77 and rh of 54


She is finally past the 12 inch mark.