Just over 2 feet tall and her branches are thick.. shit is about to get real..
You gonna join in on the Outdoor grow Ripper?
In fact are any of you lot gonna do the outdoor grow comp?
I hope not, Bwhahahaha:crying:

But really I hope you all do, there is nothing quite like growing under the sun and not having to worry about electric bills.

Unless shit hits the fan... I'll be doing at least 12 autos for the outdoor grow comp!!!
Unless shit hits the fan... I'll be doing at least 12 autos for the outdoor grow comp!!!
That sounds great bro!!
However if it is the same rules for the outdoor grow, then you will only be able to journal 1 plant for the competition.
If you grow 12, well that means you also get a shit load of bud when you chop them!
That sounds great bro!!
However if it is the same rules for the outdoor grow, then you will only be able to journal 1 plant for the competition.
If you grow 12, well that means you also get a shit load of bud when you chop them!

I assumed it was the same rules as this comp. But yes, that is the idea :smokeit::smokeit::smokeit: