Indoor The Elvis does DRAGON'S..

alway's finding the finest lady's hanging with the King :)
cheesus dragons!

i planted these jan 1st and I though they were karma dragons but at day 19 and looking closer im thinking their cheesus dragons! plus 1 is female what a lucky year !! if the other one is fem thats 3 cheesus D's !:woohoo:

This is my karma dragon at 85 days! she fat stinks and is purple! in other words drop dead gorgeous!

karma.jpg mossy you think she should go to 100 days?

some pics!!
ceses.jpg just look how sexy my cheesus is! just look so sexy!!

vvbb.jpg cheesus on the cat walk!

chopped up a pigmy sweet plant the one with the stent got 16g ..
dry.jpg should be good and dry by Friday..

Looks yummy!! :) There are so many strains I've seen people post about on here that I want to try. Adding this one to the list!
welcome to the Elvis show!!

Ill show some pics but fist lets jam!!:woohoo:



Joey the meerkat!! ePs friend!:slaps:

root66 on bass!!

eeK on guitar!!

and I'm The Elvis !!



lets see some plants!!:Sharing One:

carma.jpg karma dragon! 86 days!

cds.jpg cheese candy kush! very big plant 70 days.

orange.jpgsweet seeds CM 70 days! ill take her to 90!

www.jpg sweet seeds i do not know.. but damn!!

Thanks for jamming with the Elvis! eimages.jpg
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Morning king, garden is looking lovely today. :Sharing One:A bunch of lazies tho taking their sweet time ripening up..