Indoor The Elvis Builds a Lamp!!

What temps you running in your room, at plant level? Red/purple stems can be caused by cool temps also... Looks like you need about 10 more plants in that area!
What temps you running in your room, at plant level? Red/purple stems can be caused by cool temps also... Looks like you need about 10 more plants in that area!

Its pretty cool in there brother.. to the right is my central AC and its sucks air through this room on the quick!!
lets do a test!!! :pass: I like growing with some heat!! :headbang: 85F
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well damn the 69 days old now!!! no wonder there turning yellow. mmmm Something when wrong and my buds are not fat..
o can run more days but they are getting mature!!! we need more test!!! i also ran this lamp 20 on 4 off... i dont like that schedule I'm going back to 18 6...

I'm going change up my feed schedule.. I kinda need to flush or run some water on these.. i can feed another week with overdrive but she is gonna die soon..
i realy wanna smoke some honestly!! this test was not a loss at all we will get a weight check in .. but i know i can improve the GPW on this lamp.. not to may growers use the VR29 it just needs to be died in more.. I think ill grow these to 80 days.. i like run water for week.. on my plants before chop.

76F at 54 inches and 72F at 3 feet .. thats cold for a auto flower. the RH% is OK but I like to in the 80s

You know what @pop22 ?? I think this lamp is to hot for the plants on the next test im going to turn it down. I grew at 75% on 80% and I think thats just to much .. there is no dying levees
just very yellow its the lamp pulling it out!!! lets go 50% on the next test..
@passes to @Slater then @Puddentane

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subbing up... this looks interesting, back to the start for a read...:coffee:
I dont think your problem is too much light. Do you have a smartphone? If so download a lux meter app to see what kind of lux scores you are getting at the plant.
I'd run 1/2 power till flower then to 75%, then increase slowly, or even leave it there! With lights this strong, you see different plants react differently. Look what Big Sm0 is doing with 4 cobs at 210 watts total! Thats probably where your light is when set to 1/2 power? Your can go to 400 watts if I remember right? He's killing it with that 210 watts! Using these light comes with a learning curve.

And Fruit is not a big producer, says so right in their description, so don't feel too bad. And it is some potent bud and STINKY when drying lol!

well damn the 69 days old now!!! no wonder there turning yellow. mmmm Something when wrong and my buds are not fat..
o can run more days but they are getting mature!!! we need more test!!! i also ran this lamp 20 on 4 off... i dont like that schedule I'm going back to 18 6...

I'm going change up my feed schedule.. I kinda need to flush or run some water on these.. i can feed another week with overdrive but she is gonna die soon..
i realy wanna smoke some honestly!! this test was not a loss at all we will get a weight check in .. but i know i can improve the GPW on this lamp.. not to may growers use the VR29 it just needs to be died in more.. I think ill grow these to 80 days.. i like run water for week.. on my plants before chop.
View attachment 713401

View attachment 713403 76F at 54 inches and 72F at 3 feet .. thats cold for a auto flower. the RH% is OK but I like to in the 80s

You know what @pop22 ?? I think this lamp is to hot for the plants on the next test im going to turn it down. I grew at 75% on 80% and I think thats just to much .. there is no dying levees
just very yellow its the lamp pulling it out!!! lets go 50% on the next test..
View attachment 713405 @passes to @Slater then @Puddentane

View attachment 713415
And plant under these lights need N in flower! I just had the same issue with my organic soil, the plants sucked the N right out of the soil, I had to water with Seagrow to get them to green up again.
I dont think your problem is too much light. Do you have a smartphone? If so download a lux meter app to see what kind of lux scores you are getting at the plant.
good idea lets do that!! :d5:
I'd run 1/2 power till flower then to 75%, then increase slowly, or even leave it there! With lights this strong, you see different plants react differently. Look what Big Sm0 is doing with 4 cobs at 210 watts total! Thats probably where your light is when set to 1/2 power? Your can go to 400 watts if I remember right? He's killing it with that 210 watts! Using these light comes with a learning curve.
My max power is 440 watts i can run 110watts X 4 at 100% its a big lamp!!!

I'd run 1/2 power till flower then to 75%, then increase slowly, or even leave it there! With lights this strong, you see different plants react differently. Look what Big Sm0 is doing with 4 cobs at 210 watts total! Thats probably where your light is when set to 1/2 power? Your can go to 400 watts if I remember right? He's killing it with that 210 watts! Using these light comes with a learning curve.

yes there is a learning curve!!! ill sort it!!

And Fruit is not a big producer, says so right in their description, so don't feel too bad. And it is some potent bud and STINKY when drying lol!
That explains alot!!!
Look what Big Sm0 is doing with 4 cobs at 210 watts total! Thats probably where your light is when set to 1/2 power? Your can go to 400 watts

440 with a 2 Holly Double Pumpers!! :headbang: Beep beep!!
With your huge space, I would invest in some 1/2 inch white styrofoam (4x8 sheets are cheap at building supply stores) and make walls you can move in close to the plants, you could even lean them against the light, angling slightly away from the plants as they go down. This would essentially be a reflector allowing you to reduce your current and wasted energy while also helping to warm up that area a bit where the plant is. Even if you just do this on 2 sides it would increase your light penetration significantly...
its warming up outside so the low temps will go away quick!!! there is a learning curve to understand how to feed them.

the Fruits are getting ripe!! :pass:what the hell am I bitching about!!! im Not bitching i just push this lamp!!! pop is right there is low ryder genetics in tis strain and thats cool and explains the size of these buds. Are they even small?? we need to weight it up soon!! :d5: she is gonna go on water for the next week!!!

@Dinafem-Mark this is for you!!



