Indoor The Devil and the Rose

I know right?! Who knew I could pull that shite off? Lmao
To be honest I'm just happy to be back shooting the shite with the boys! Thanks for all your support's meant a lot! I've really been missing all you guys but just was not myself physically or mentally soo a small break was needed...but like I said I'm feeling much more like a haze has cleared in my head.
Soo it's back to business! :)
Glad to see you back on your feet, and shooting the shit, man! Looks like you're gonna have plenty of grows lined up for quite a while!
It sure soon as it arrives I will update u on all the goodies they send.:) I know they want me to focus on their 3 new strains 1st. 2 of them are photos (white cookies and crown royale) and 1 auto (Jack Herer) soo probably gonna run 2 grow spaces next round. Anyway..I've jacked ur thread enough bro! Lol that purple bud Porn gotts me drooling over here soo I'm off for a vape..
You're welcome to hijack anytime, JT. You usually have something informative to say, so I don't even consider it a jack move!
nice bud shot's TGB. and damn JT, 80 Bean's?!? told ya, positivity begets positivity, and you sir are 1 positive cat
Elsumurai, what up dude? thanks for stopping by and checking out my grow, kind sir, and I thank you for the compliments as well!
Hey bandit. You likening to your mars light?
No doubt! I started out with Mars, and they're all I've used so far. I have no complaints at all, and neither do my ladies in the closet!
TGB your grow is looking great!!!! Between your scrogging technique and Faded's FIM, I don't know which way to go.:slaps:
Keep up the awesome work. I love purple bud porn:clap: