Indoor The Devil and the Rose

Hahahahaha take it back!!! lol... jk we watched it together, so i aint trippin.... besides... i liked it ;) and she loved it and when she loves something she show it!! soo in a way thanks faded, thanks bandit!!

Uh...? WTF, man! She didn't tell me there was going to be a viewing party!
Lmao. Just what I needed right now.

Question though, who held the camera....jayar!?
LOL, what just happened right now hahaha. !!!:crying:
Well neko, what happens in bandits cabinet......stays in the cabinet.
Hahahaha!! yup roark i got them cam skillz bro but halfway i was like fucket im gettin in there!!
Here ya go bandit some aspaghetti anda meatabol. "munch"
:Haha: halfway through, you was in there, huh Jay?! LMFAO!!! All you guys are certifiably crazy!!
Well bro..I'm all caught up!! Your scrog is looking friggen awesome! But I'm with Trap..u need more pics bro! I love a good read but my simple ass really loves pix! All that purple going on and not one bud Porn pic!! WTF? ? Lol
Anyway strong work as usual bro! I'm feeling more like myself lately soo expect some JT ball busting in the near future
And the polite shit talker is back!! Wzup, JT? How goes the new gig?

Here's a couple of closeup shots from yesterday, day 54. Sugah is on the left, and Mystique on the right. They are both getting frosted up, and smelly as they wanna be!

SBR Closeup - Day 54.jpgDD Closeup - Day 54.jpg
BAAAAAAAM PEANUT BUTTER AND JAAAAAAAM!.. Now that's what I'm talking about bro! You da man bro!! And the new gig is awesome. .it has lead to some other big things already. I am now officially growing for Crop King Seeds Co. I forwarded my latest review I did on their Candy cane strain I just ran and the owner emailed me back and asked me to grow for them and to pick as many strains as I wanted from the site and he would send them out. The seeds are now in the all 80 of them!! Lol needless to say my next journal is gonna be all beefed up! Super stoked.