There is a bit of the frankenstein in me...ha ha ha...
BUT..IF you don't don't Know.
I expect end of April to bee about 2+Cnight & 15+C day temp.
S60 last year got mold, gonna be really careful with those ferts..
I'm saying if you bring them to sex indoor they will survive...getting them to
Produce Well will be the jiggery pokery bit.
but we have Lots of ideas.
I never usually use veg ferts..most will get one dose when they are coming into sex..
because I know that I cannot flower fert in my off-season outdoor..
I have started to Veg fert..
while they are in the grow cupboard and their transpiration is running normal/high..
then leave the flower ferts off when they go outdoor..
It seems to make a difference...IMO....:thumbs:
These were brought up to sex under light..
then planted in a 40 ltr pot Outdoor.
These are the Totally Outdoor germed/grown ones.
These have had no cover at all from all the bad around minus 4 C...
majority of night temps around 2 C..