Dutch Passion The CannaDrama Tabernacle: Take 2 with 7 x AU

Jan 3, 2015
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1 x Marshydro tent, 145 x 145 x 200 cm
2 x GN HS1.1
1 x 600w Topled with 5w diodes
1 x 700w " " "
2 x 25 L Autopots with Airdomes and Atami Lightmix with perlite
2 x 25 L " " " " Mapito
2 x 25 L " " " " Corgy's very own Placebo mix(50 % premium garden soil, 25% coco and 25% Perlite)
1 x 22,5 L airpot with Airdome " " " " " "
some airpumps
some fans
GN floranova Grow and Bloom
Bio-green Biolife, mycorrhiza and such
Bio-green CalGel
Bio-green X-treme bloom booster
Run time 24/0

and least but not last, 7 auto Ultimates in the starring roles.........

The 6 Autopots are arranged with 3 on each side with the 3 different growing mediums, on the North side the 2 HS1's are deployed, and on the south side, the 2 Topled/marshydro lights are illuminating proceedings, and the 1 AU in the airpot will duck and weave in the middle

Day 13


Day 27

A Northside Mapito dweller

Northside Lightmix barnstormer, this is the yellow jersey for now by some margin, up in the forties

Southside Mapito mama

Southside Lightmix Dame

Day 32

Preflowering here and there

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Day 32 continued......

The Northside gals, the one in the middle came up with 3 cotylodons and the first set of true leaves was a 3 finger fusion, she is taking her time thinking about what to do.......the yellow jersey on the right is 71 cm by now


The Southside babes......not as leggy as their opposite numbers, but much more bushy


This Autopot system is a godsend........I LOOOOOOVE it
Day 33

So I did some brutal supercropping on the 2 Lightmix dames, the Northside one is now 76 cm and growing like there is no tomorrow.....every branch from the 3 node got the treatment........and I have starting snipping leaves here and there




This branch was bent 90 degrees yesterday and apparently didn't fancy that, it is almost back to where it was before.....amazing.......well, it got another squash and bend a little further down today, we'll see.....

The 6 plants combined is drinking app 15 L a dayfrom the reservoir, and without me having had to drive my 10 L watering can around..........again, I SOOOOOOO LOOOOOOOVE that......

They are on 1/2 strength Grow, full strength CalGel, full strength Bio-green enzyme and GH bio-root(I think I forgot to mention those in the first post), pH in the reservoir 6,1..........believe it not, I have this reassuringly expensive Eutech EC meter, and I haven't bothered to use it once......I reckon the leave tips and general appearance is a good enough "EC meter"........we'll see!
So the last few days has seen severe weather conditions at the Tabernacle, namely Tornados, and the 2 AU's closest to the door has borne the brunt. These 2 are in lightmix soil, one Northside and one Southside, and the Tornados has wrecked havoc with the branches on both........every branch above the 3 node has been supercropped, several 2 times and a few 3 times. Both main Stems has also had a bit of a crushing so the vaunted knuckle is sure to follow.

Some Day 37 pics,

Northside girl, standing 93 cm and hasn't started flowering yet, she puts on 4-5 cm daily.....damn the Tornados!........she pretty much has 1 HS1 to herself, and it is kept at a distance of 20-25 cm at a slight angle, with no sign of any sunburn (same goes for the Southside girls, the Marshydro lights are kept real close too, no burning)


Here is pic of the Southside girl, a careless bugger tried his hand at supercropping and snapped the stem to the point it was only hanging on by a few threads.....and yet it has made a U-turn and striving upwards


Full update tomorrow..........
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OK, so the update didn't happen yesterday......sue me......lol

Day 39

It's getting a bit crowded in the habitat, and no way am I going to move them out, what with broken branches and such......

Big Bertha who still has the yellow jersey, now 108 cm small, and showing a few signs of thinking about starting to flower, some pistils here and there. She has been maimed, mauled and abused, every branch still get supercropped, some of them now 4 times.........If this is setting her back, then there's no telling what kind of tent height would be necessary to let her do things her own way!


Feeding full strength Flora Nova grow, Calgel and enzymes, except for the gal in the Airpot who also get a little bio-root plus.

That's it, over and out for now!
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I have a plant that a while back that I just looked at it and decided I wanted to watch her die, so I bent her over 90 degrees just above the second node. she barely blinked and is growing sideways under a srog net...lol! Their like the Terminator, very tough to kill!

Day 33

So I did some brutal supercropping on the 2 Lightmix dames, the Northside one is now 76 cm and growing like there is no tomorrow.....every branch from the 3 node got the treatment........and I have starting snipping leaves here and there

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This branch was bent 90 degrees yesterday and apparently didn't fancy that, it is almost back to where it was before.....amazing.......well, it got another squash and bend a little further down today, we'll see.....
View attachment 475526

The 6 plants combined is drinking app 15 L a dayfrom the reservoir, and without me having had to drive my 10 L watering can around..........again, I SOOOOOOO LOOOOOOOVE that......

They are on 1/2 strength Grow, full strength CalGel, full strength Bio-green enzyme and GH bio-root(I think I forgot to mention those in the first post), pH in the reservoir 6,1..........believe it not, I have this reassuringly expensive Eutech EC meter, and I haven't bothered to use it once......I reckon the leave tips and general appearance is a good enough "EC meter"........we'll see!
I have a plant that a while back that I just looked at it and decided I wanted to watch her die, so I bent her over 90 degrees just above the second node. she barely blinked and is growing sideways under a srog net...lol! Their like the Terminator, very tough to kill!

Terminator plants....... Why did you have to say that.... You got me rummaging for my bullet vest and flamethrower...... AND I keep a wary distance to the tent now......!

I just checked the Autopot reservoir, it has sunk by some 25 lites in 24 hours, greed I tell ya, those 6 girls are greedy..... Next you know they are out and about looking for a phosphor loaded sugar daddy........
Day 43

What the heck do I do now.........top this girl or supercrop her?

@DutchPassionTony .....if you read this..........pending emergency assistance urgently needed!


Big Bertha added another 4-5 cm since this morning, now 126 cm excluding the 39 cm Autopot.........and there is some 25 cm to go for the HS1 AND her......just a matter of who to sue for emotional distress and plant cruelty when the HS1 burst through the ceiling propelled by this Ultimate megalomaniac......DP, GH or GN

This no longer an individual plant grow.......it's a blooming SoG my mistake!

SoG technique was way down my intended learning experiences..............

Good news is that 4 of the AU's is blooming now, including Big Bertha, the Airpot footed AU will move out withing the next couple of days, and the remaining 6 will just have to fight it out

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Bend the top over 8-12" below the top. I did this to a YDB in the greenhouse. super crop it until its at a 90 degree.

Day 43

What the heck do I do now.........top this girl or supercrop her?

@DutchPassionTony .....if you read this..........pending emergency assistance urgently needed!

Big Bertha added another 4-5 cm since this morning, now 126 cm excluding the 39 cm Autopot.........and there is some 25 cm to go for the HS1 AND her......just a matter of who to sue for emotional distress and plant cruelty when the HS1 burst through the ceiling propelled by this Ultimate megalomaniac......DP, GH or GN View attachment 479024

This no longer an individual plant grow.......it's a blooming SoG my mistake!

SoG technique was way down my intended learning experiences..............

Good news is that 4 of the AU's is blooming now, including Big Bertha, the Airpot footed AU will move out withing the next couple of days, and the remaining 6 will just have to fight it out