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Nice selection of girls you got going on:toke:

Little shot pot girl

@archie gemmill General battle. Week 5 update day 28 for the girls. The bubble Kush is my chosen battle plant, the compassion lime and amnesia are staying as short little bushes and the critical jack has yet to show sex so to risky to run that one. Things are going well, tried to increase the power of the led's from 180 watts to 200 over the course of the week and got punished. Purple stems and droopy leaves. Got it back down to 180 watts and everyone is praying again. At what point in flower do you LED folks increase your lights output?
Update Week 5

Tag:- @archie gemmill (for General Battle)

Changes made:-
Increased each plant to 110w (2 x 55w Autocobs).
Due to a mini heatwave with high humidity, I Introduced into the tent:-
2 x Humidifiers, linked to day and night light settings.
1 x dehumidifier, to balance and achieve my Temp & Rh targets.
Upped Ferro Nutrients & Canna Magnesium (Via Reservoir/Autopots), now at 90% strength 5.8PH & 1.6Ec
Preformed some Leaf Tucking, while stoned.

Tent 01st June 2019.jpg

And so....... reluctantly, on to my plant choice.

This is difficult, for different reasons, each has a characteristic trait from its ancestry, I can see good stuff developing more from each plant, different structures, etc.

But..... Selecting this..... with the aid of a pointy stick whilst wearing headphones & blindfolded....

My Entry for the "General Battle"..... IS.........

Ouch - that sticks sharp....

H.S.O. Dedoverde Haze - Plant 2

01st June 2019 Plant 2.jpg


Tag:- @HSO-Mark

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