Couple of pics the close up is my thc bomb at day 71 and her sister who's buds are like cola bottles is a week behind the 1st girl is my competition plant and will be coming down tomorrow
@Bailey here's my Seedstockers Weekly Update.

Candy Dawg auto day 78 in soil:


Very few changes, simply waiting for her buds to fill out which is happening slowly but surely and seems to be speeding up the more mass she gains.

Despite taking a little longer to develop, I think she is by far one of the nicest plants I've grown.

Her aroma is intense sweet kush with a sour spice after tone, and stark contrast in her colouring between her vibrant white/ yellowing orange pistils to her super dark green foliage. A striking auto that is pleasing to the senses!

I plan on getting her on a short flush (using Biobizz so not really needing a long one) as soon as she's ready, and will start watching those trichs daily the moment her buds finish filling out.

Nicole Cream test plant day 78:

Finally this one seems to be getting somewhere, however I doubt she would finish before the cut off so I am glad I picked the Candy Dawg to enter.

She is now fat bigger in terms of both height and bushiness and is looking like she will be a heavy yeilder so I have no qualms letting her grow as long as needed.

Her smell is very creaming and very kushy spicy.

Anyway peace out AFN and happy growing guys!
the both on the left are on water only ive just got the big job of taking them down and its gonna be a lot of work on my lonesome
Week 10 update @Bailey
OG Kush

She is still throwing leaves?
I gave her another trim this morning before I took the pictures. She has been throwing a lot of leaves still.
It's still should finish by the end of the month?
It just seems like it's taking a long time maybe it's cuz it was so cold in the beginning?
She's had 18 hours of light a day not much else I can think of that would cus it to be still be popping leaves. But I'm not a auto grower neither so something's are still new to me on growing these autos.

Maybe it's because Auto are so Random still and not consistent.
Some of you battle gladiators have been done and over with and have smoked your whole plant by now. LoL
While I and some others are still growing..[emoji58]
That's not consistency.
I just don't know?
But I'm Poppin two more of those seats starting today of the OG Kush Auto from seedstockers and these will be run outside we'll see how they do out there. Going to run them early should Harvest by the end of June Fourth of July around there [emoji482]