

Seed Stockers, Fruit Cake auto.

Changes made...
I have swapped from vinnys choice grow and common to Busygrows Hydro grow. It is an all in one base feed that comes in a powdered form. Plants seem to like it!!
I snapped the same branch twice doin some lst :wall: so out came the leccy tape to bandage her up and she bounced right back. The stems on these are chunky and solid so need to take it real easy when bending the branches on them!! Also i removed some of the bigger fan leaves to open them up a bit.
No sign of flower yet.

Lights still at 20/4 cycle.

Feed used...
Hydro Grow, 0.75 grams per litre.
Roots Excelurator
Liquid silicon.

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@CannaZone Tier 1

Looking great m8 the tmc stems are thick and solid aswell makes lst alot more difficult I just keep telling myself she's preparing for carrying a alot of bud lol .
Got you updated :greenthumb:
just shows issues can hit you any time plus your posting your problems and will be able to help other growers to figure them out if they get the same issues :bong: i had a couple of bad weeks on my last grow were shit just went sideways its all learning a sharing .anyhow a pic of my ladys from today
Thanks for the encouragement. Say, I see from your tent photo that you're using an oscillating Monkey Fan. How's that working out for you? I love the design, but the quality has been total crap -- at least for those that I buy in USA. I've purchased 4 over the past year and 3 died within just a few weeks.
Week 5 Update

All plants are 27 Days Old

I am not going to be about much over the next few days, so here is my week 5 update (sorry if it is a bit early).

Also, just to be safe, I am going to nominate my 4 "strain" battle plants today and the 1 in the "general battle".


It was a very nice day today, somewhat unusual for the time of year. The sun was shining, warm, very pleasant. Not to be wasted I thought.

A good time to get the girls out of the tent & do some defoliating & maintenance on them.

So I pulled them all out in to the sun, 1 at a time, and grabbed some quick photos.

I then did a little defoil and LST, and rearranged them back in the tent.

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Tag @archie gemmill - General Battle
Tag @St. Tom - Zamnesia Battle


I nominate Zamnesia Girl Scout Cookies Plant 1, as my "General Battle" contestant & my "Zamnesia Battle" contestant.
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For reference.., Below is my other Zamnesia plant, I will still grow her out.
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Tag @Bailey - Seed Stockers "Candy Dawg"
I nominate "Candy Dawg" Plant 1 for the "Seedstockers Battle" plant
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For reference, my other Seedstockers "Candy Dawg" plant (photo below), is being re-homed next week - gives me more space in the tent.
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Tag @woody - Bomb Seeds "THC Bomb"
I nominate "THC Bomb" Plant 1 for the "Bomb Seeds" Battle
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As you may remember, Plant 2 (photo below) was a rare "Twin" and although interesting, not worthy of battle
I will most likely, try and continue to grow her out (space permitting)

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Tag @Need4Weed - Autoseeds "Purple Stilton"

Only 1 seed ("Purple Stilton") grew, so I nominate that 1 for my "Autoseeds" entry .
However, I like her, she is very nice, I do like the look of her a lot.:headbang:
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That's it..... for all the photo lovers....

For those that like the techie stuff... This is how I am running...

Environmental Data
Lights:- 7 x Autocobs 3500k (1 per plant - 18 to 22"" height, with reflectors) 20 hrs on / 4 hrs off
Target Temps:- Constant 27c/24c Day & Night
Target Rh:- Constant 58% (been reducing slowly Day & Night)
Feed:- Ferro Nutrients full range, (Grow A + B, Roots, Crop, Enzyme Plus)
Today I started the transition to flower nutes.
Additives:- Mammoth P, Roots Excelsior, Silicone, Magnesium
Delivery Method:- Via Reservoir and Autopots
Feed Values:- Ph 5.8 & Ec 1.8
VPD:- 1.1 kPa Average

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Tag in:- @CannaZone Tier 1

Very nice plants m8 gonna give alot of warriors a run for there money :amazon:

Tad early but I'll get you updated m8
Thank you and hello :bighug:

It's a paper weight ,,, :eyebrows:

Tent shot that [HASHTAG]#marshydro[/HASHTAG] has passed veg test :thumbsup:
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Show growing like a Pro @hairyman ...they Look in Perfect Health..looking forward to the Bud Show....:pass:

Looks good bro :d5:
What strains are they?
Can you get any pics from the side so we can see the whole plant?
I'd enter both if i were you, better your chances of coming second behind me :crying:

[HASHTAG]#battletalk[/HASHTAG] @Mikis :amazon: you Go..someone has to Win it.........

Good morning all :pass:

Afternoon @E Grower :pass:..sharing one...

I am coming to a point where I need to cut down the size of my outdoor flowerbeds, of which I have 12. The reason why? My indoor garden takes much more time then you might think. :crying:

The wife won't be happy :nono: unless I keep her zoned out 24/7. :pass:

Wish me luck :haha:

Luck @E Grower ..:pass:..Happy Wife Happy Life an all that......:biggrin:

@Mossy i may have already stated which plant I will be using in my General Battle & Lighting Battle. I know we have till March 1 to declare. My question is... Can I change my designated plant to another? And, can I use Terrestrial Bean Co.s Triangle Dragon?

I'l tag @Ripper :pass:[HASHTAG]#keeperoftherules[/HASHTAG] :warrior:

It sounds Okay to me...but he is the Rules Boss...

Afternoon everybody the battles are all hotting up now :bong:

Afternoon @St. Tom :bighug:..yup..according to the amount of RP's we have coming in the battles are certainly hotting up.....:pass:...The Naughty Step is being dusted down as we speak...

Not going to be easy to pull off a win in this jungle :nono:

It wouldn't be Worth Winning if it was Easy...:amazon:..but saying you took on another 100 Top Cannabis Growers and Won..
Well....................That is Worth the Bragging Rights...


Looking great m8 the tmc stems are thick and solid aswell makes lst alot more difficult I just keep telling myself she's preparing for carrying a alot of bud lol .
Got you updated :greenthumb:

Thank you for the work @Bailey :bighug:..we couldn't do it without the Battle Teams...:bravo:
@Mossy i may have already stated which plant I will be using in my General Battle & Lighting Battle. I know we have till March 1 to declare. My question is... Can I change my designated plant to another? And, can I use Terrestrial Bean Co.s Triangle Dragon?
You can change if you want to by 3/1
Bring it on



Day 27 and she is starting to get the idea of what's required of her.

Day 27 Plant 1 Close.jpg

I have noticed some nice "9 fingered" fan leaves starting to appear now.



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Show growing like a Pro @hairyman ...they Look in Perfect Health..looking forward to the Bud Show....:pass:

[HASHTAG]#battletalk[/HASHTAG] @Mikis :amazon: you Go..someone has to Win it.........

Afternoon @E Grower :pass:..sharing one...

Luck @E Grower ..:pass:..Happy Wife Happy Life an all that......:biggrin:

I'l tag @Ripper :pass:[HASHTAG]#keeperoftherules[/HASHTAG] :warrior:

It sounds Okay to me...but he is the Rules Boss...

Afternoon @St. Tom :bighug:..yup..according to the amount of RP's we have coming in the battles are certainly hotting up.....:pass:...The Naughty Step is being dusted down as we speak...

It wouldn't be Worth Winning if it was Easy...:amazon:..but saying you took on another 100 Top Cannabis Growers and Won..
Well....................That is Worth the Bragging Rights...


Thank you for the work @Bailey :bighug:..we couldn't do it without the Battle Teams...:bravo:
My pleasure only trying to give back for all AFN has done and given me .
How are you today