Terrible Germ Rate... :/ Ripped off, I guess.
So... I purchased:
"Jet 47" and "Cobra" (all regular)
1 cool shirt (to desguise...)
candies (cos im a phat-ass).
Shipped the money in a letter (super disguised as documents, printed with ipson lorem)with the cash being on their currency... rounded up, cos im a nice guy! (and cos u also cant ship coins)
It took ages for payment to kick in (not their fault, i sent the cheapest way), another era for the seeds to "arrive"... and It simply got caught by da cops!
No joke... The super Stealth thing didnt work at all... but ok.
So after a long session (nearly endless) of e-mails... They decided to re-ship!
But then, guess what?! COBRA WAS OUT OF STOCK!
I felt like dying... cos like several months had passed already and I just couldnt wait anylonger... i wanted ma damn beanies!
Then It took me a while to decide which strain to pick and I ended up even happier without cobra, Id purchase Shortstuff#1 (aka Lowryder, its a "clone")
But... there was a slight difference in price... like 3£ or 4£... damn, I felt miserable! It costed me a lot to desguise cash, to send as mail, took decades to arrive overseas... and I just couldnt pick another strain... so what did I do? PERSUADE! (we brazilians are great doing it!)
Woah, I struggled as I could... every argument, from tips on last payment to terrible experience... But, that sexy voiced english woman wouldn't accept receiving less than the webpage's price. After smoking a cigarette (ARGH! CANCER!) I made my mind and I agreed having only Shortstuff#1 and I would forget the other strain (jet 47). (like if I were rich!)
And guess what? She was an angel!
They shipped my Shortstuff, Jet 47 and a beautiful fem. "Sugar Mango Ryder" (i just hated the feminized seed, cos I wanna breed you know... )
AND, the shipping method that worked that time? Original Breeder's Pack, plain envelope. WOW! XD We're always so worried, we even pay EXTRA to ensure arrival! Bwahaha I ROFLMAO'd that day...
What happened?
I guess my soil mix was bad, or something (my dad is oldschool grower, and he wanted to make the damn soil mixture).... and NO "lowryder" ever germinated. (P.S.: Direct soil sowing, so I cant blame the seeds, i should have germinated before planting).
Still, we had 3 soil mixtures and no lowryder ever germinated... thats just weird...
Jet 47, tried 4 seeds...again: zero germ. rate.
Then, I had to move, and couldnt test anymore... due to the circunstances.
What I can say is that Attitude seedbank has nothing to do with the quality of the seeds I were delivered, Flashseeds and Shortstuff had.
The majority of Short Stuff's seeds had great color and size, few were small and pale-alike.
Flashseeds's seeds were way smaller and "cheaper" look, when my dad saw them he said "I find it hard to believe they will even germinate... They are so little! And i dont like that color..."
Overall I ended up in love with the sexiest voice Ive ever heard (Laurie, attitude's tec support)... I didnt even contact them about the germ rate.... I think Laurie hates me already for the amount of complaints I've wrote by e-mail... on the running of the whole situation. And they were kind, what makes it even harder for me to complain.
I sort of Recommend their service. They are kind, polite, professional... Maybe I Just wasnt lucky enough.

Might purchase more just to hear her voice again... even though I'll have to ask to have their adress sent my e-mail cos I wont understand it spoken, anyways.