Sorry to hear much as it painz me to say it, and i won't bore u with detailz, but it'z lookin like i might jus hafta pull out of this year'z comp, becuz i jus can' grow
it seemz like it'z maybe a soil issue-?....but then again, for itz own reazonz, that jus duzn't make sense, lol
either way, i put a whole new batch o' beanz in to soak las nite, cuz i got one more thing i'm gonna try...but if that failz too.........well, we'll jus hafta wait & see

I also had a very had time this year popping beans. I tried as many as 30 beans. Even the new pack that I got from Seed Stockers of Runts from Seed City Bank a three pack, two crack of the two one grew a tale and they both died.
I have one seed to go of that pack.
Thay were pretty expensive too. Seed City don't like to send over here. The bank transfer was 50 bucks...
Wish you luck 420.

I hate seeing a fellow smoker not have any of their own smoke to partake of.

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