Fek! ...looks like the roots went tits-up?

.... well no lack of replacement choices at least...LOL
Another Duderino?
That's my dilemma too-- how many to crack, odds on getting a good quality seedling, what to do with extras... I hate having to toss them, can't always find somebody to adopt them...
We using threadmarks around here or am I gonna get yelled at again?

.... alas JP', yes... I'd appreciate you doing your own update threadmarking! ...Only 2-3 max a month though, please, I don't want to sort through volumes of them either,... mainly it's similar to the usual G&S gig, keeping basic track of progress and participation. Only in this Comp', you don't have the "obligation" to do so because everything in this one is on your own dime pretty much...
Only rule is if you want to be in the final polls, official updates and final pics are needed to participate in them, that's it!
In this Comp, threadmarks are also a way to make sure scammer-cheaters don't post a few times, then ghost off for weeks and weeks then suddenly reappear with some unaccountably impressive plant they "grew"

.... 1 or 2 fishy tries in several years, and the good folks in the Comp were sharp-eyed enough to question it regardless... Those flakey fucks that tried bailed out after the "public shaming"-
**** My apologies on the delay of RotBlock action, I'll get that sorted today if I can...****
Last I saw, Bryan wanted 5 max new folks who haven't tried it yet. I think I have a list already from what feedback I've received
@Green Hornet
Holler out if you're in!
what i think is sum kinda haze cross, but can't remember the name

@Waira would know, cuz he'z who i got em from a couple yearz ago for prize beanz, lol....so ask him

It came labeled dude, so which La Buena Hierba fem' semi-auto cross it is would be just a guess at my end... I'm just glad you're running her!
I'll be running the Asian Haze myself... Swing by his website, look at the fem's (only ones he has ever done) and see if any of the names remind you?