NEWS THC lab results may be suspect


"Russian warship, go F yourself"
Cultivators Club
Mar 10, 2020
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Currently Smoking
Dabbing Sour Stomper
Good Morning America is running a story on this. Interesting it is getting national traction.
:rofl: now THAT says a lot!
great find and post MW, this is something many of us have suspected for years... You just look around at a dispensary once and it's almost glaringly obvious,... Even though I don't buy, I look at how the %'s keep going up and up, and knowing enough about growing and how the %'s can vary even with clones, it's hard not to be skeptical!
Cherry picking/falsifying samples are bad enough, but labs pulling this shit gives The Man more ammo to discredit, regulate, tax and deny the whole industry ball of wax!
Some staff has shared the most alarming of stories, starting with the growers themselves and the shit snowballing downhill from there... THC % is one thing, but bio-contanimants, heavy metals, etc. is a genuine health hazard and plain immoral...:pimphand: :pimp:

Growing your own looms larger every year! :greenthumb:
The labs have a massive allowable margin for error. 10% I believe. Combine that with the financial incentives to over report test results. (A client would rather pay a bad lab to overreport THC% rather than an accurate one who will underreport THC%), and you can see how quickly things will get warped.

Not to mention the fact that THC% is not at all indictive of the true potency or the quality of the effects. This obsession with metrics and numbers is not only foolish, but it's ultimately detrimental to the industry and more importantly the plant.

We have already lost a tremendous amount of genetic diversity in the plants because of various nonsensical industry pressures. The last thing we need is another decade of THC% obsessed metrics eliminating anything with a sub 20% test from relevance
Just smoke it and leave the BS capitalism to the politicians. This guy is not worried about THC levels:

Industry still effects him. You can't find any old school Jamaican landrace sativas anymore. All of the genetics have been corrupted by the massive amount of dutch hybrids grown in Jamaica since prohibition thanks to their year round 12/12 outdoor Photoperiod and the unculled geurilla grown males which litter the island
The labs have a massive allowable margin for error. 10% I believe. Combine that with the financial incentives to over report test results. (A client would rather pay a bad lab to overreport THC% rather than an accurate one who will underreport THC%), and you can see how quickly things will get warped.

Not to mention the fact that THC% is not at all indictive of the true potency or the quality of the effects. This obsession with metrics and numbers is not only foolish, but it's ultimately detrimental to the industry and more importantly the plant.

We have already lost a tremendous amount of genetic diversity in the plants because of various nonsensical industry pressures. The last thing we need is another decade of THC% obsessed metrics eliminating anything with a sub 20% test from relevance

When dispensaries started opening around my location I went to one and bought two types of weed to try, thinking it had to be better than what I am able to grow myself. I was disappointed in the quality and effects I received. On the state mandated label it mentions that THC % may vary by 10%. So by that standard a sample that reads 20% THC could actually be 18% THC. Not a significant difference but even at 18% THC why does the end result seem less intense than the 1970-1980's high you were able to get from weed they estimated to be no higher than 5-6% THC?

Give me some 1980's Colombian or Hawaiian weed I remember from my youth and I would be content.