Testing / Selecting MOB (Maine's Own Blueberry) - from The Medicine Man 08 18 2012

I have 3 and 2 are real nice the third is just small. same size as JM's...
I wanna see some of yours, cres :) And I have to say, as long as these turn out to be girls, I'm going to be SO STOKED to have MOB outside of Maine/MA. Very few people outside Maine have this strain.
i will be sniffing the air! north,south,east,west! for the scent of mob!:drool:
I wanna see some of yours, cres :) And I have to say, as long as these turn out to be girls, I'm going to be SO STOKED to have MOB outside of Maine/MA. Very few people outside Maine have this strain.

I'll get some pics up soon, I also want to show this TLO madness I got happening..
10 - 7 - 2012


I just took cuttings last night and pruned a few fan leaves back...


MOB Fem,
MOBG 1- 4

so we'll start sexing action a week or 2... :smokeit:
alright both of my MOB's have peeked their little heads out of the soil yesterday morning. TMM how stable is the FEM on these beans should I worry about males or are they good to go?



my first grow on afn was photo blueberry from clone, the grower has been growing for 30 odd years< here in maine, they came from aline of outdoor blueberry that has been going strong for at least 25 years inside and out. i am wonndering if they were mob or not! he never used the term mob, so i dont know? i think the name came later in the life of maine blueberry. tmm what do you think??
Nice :)

And yea l3k, that's something I don't know. I'm hoping it'll go well and you guys will have all girls. I can totally tell now, JM, which are the MOB and which are the Guerilla MOB.

Astro... if that was MOB, you'd have known it for sure. The thing has, as you know, an unmistakable aroma. Could've been from the same line perhaps, but I honestly don't know how much blueberry is in MOB just because of it's tolerance to high levels of nutrients, knowing the DJ Shorts blueberry isn't known for that quality.