Testing / Selecting MOB (Maine's Own Blueberry) - from The Medicine Man 08 18 2012

Zy and I always giggled at , ..... great x great x great x great has to equal great... And who cares its a poly and there will be huge variation... pipe dreaming never hurt... Last summer the Mighty Mite x Durban x Critical Mass x GG3 x C99 was so good it was right up there with the fire x c99...
MOB chop day...I think... 2 hrs to the funeral.
Which is not surprising as we all know blueberry to be the carrier...
Only reason I considered rolling forward anyway... but I think its a mistake like you said... certainly enough blueberry in the back lines between all the above discussed... should be able to pick a clean line from that...

Others would argue the opposite that, that is less stress... Its a theory of mine and others.
I totally see your point of view... in the plant roots (shoes hehe)... you'd say, separation from nature... and 1000's perhaps more years of evolution in vast environmental changes.

So... when you stress test... what do you do... whats your harshest lady treatment? :lol:

Make sure you throw away that dirt the cs was sprayed on
Thanks for the tip... marked for deletion.. :smoke:

MOB chop day...I think... 2 hrs to the funeral.
One of the few I'll celebrate! :dance2: :booya:

Zy and I always giggled at , ..... great x great x great x great has to equal great... And who cares its a poly and there will be huge variation... pipe dreaming never hurt...
Exactly... lol

Plus... when you think of the selection methods for different meds / affects in our different respective minds... its like the fine tune dial on the radio... right? :smoke:

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holy shit is that icom your's? (callsign) want's to no.:crying:
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I knew there had to be a "friendly" in here... 88's :)

My call sign expired a few years ago... but dug the radios out last winter... n been playin... and gonna go back and relicense...

No... It's my dream rig... one for the truck and one for the base...


fuggin' aye pumped for you!
Me too... inbound to assist in trimming.. :lol:
and smelling.... and smelling... and smelling...

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i was an icom dealer for 15 years! for the ship chandelry i worked for and the marine electronic's guru!:D thank's for pulling that i didn't even think!:D but i am legal in maine!
So... when you stress test... what do you do... whats your harshest lady treatment? :lol:

auto you have to test or get to really know the strain...grow lots of phenos...

clones are much easier....

some stressors you already know... but one good one seems to be PH. my well water ph 9.55 will make any flip floppy lady, go down on a muffin. Light hours, cold water, heat..you name it sometimes you just smack them bitches around and neglect um to see how tuff she is, and if she rears her ugly head and comes at you with a strap on with an ugly set of balls hanging off.....Then she might not be the marrying type.
no not anymore. it came to an end when i got sick. and could not work:D