Auto Seeds Testers / Reviewers Wanted - New Strains

Mid flower
It's day 48 just been feeding my mc schedule...
Photo girls will be moving out of the tent soon so I will have space to start a second of the Rainbow Glue and Pink Runts, and hopefully get my last Acapulco Gold off the ground (fingers crossed)!

Day 58 for Rainbow Glue, and she is quite a tight little bush. I worry that I'm going to have issues with her regarding bud rot as she is so tightly spaced. Will definitely be training the next one I run to try to remedy/avoid that.

Day 56 for Pink Runtz and she is a gorgeous little lady! Really excited to re run her and see what these genetics can really do when treated right!

Besides the issues I ran into with transplant, I definitely overloaded them with N when I reamended the soil.
What do you have inside your pot? On top of the soil?
Mylar film I bought a 50' x4' roll it's what vivosun make their tents inside shiny walls with.... I cut covers to help hold moisture in .... And reflection underneath..... Also wrap my sip buckets too!