Auto Seeds Testers / Reviewers Wanted - New Strains

Pretty pink runtz doing her veggie thing..... :growing: :greenthumb: :peace:
Pink runtz catching up to older ones in veg tent.... Growing nice... I'm at 350 ppm now of mega crop....
If my Rainbow was still here it wouldn’t be as good looking as your pink runtz lol it was definitely behind in growth but I think that was down to me lol
Oh sorry I know now what happened!!! Snitches get stitches!!!!
Day 41 for Rainbow Glue! Things are rolling along with her, though I think I may need to try running another directly planted into the final pot.

Day 40 for the Pink Runtz and its business as usual for her as well. Same deal though, gonna have to give her another go direct planted.
Rainbow Glue is jumping, so she got a bit of LST with the clips and terp tea watered in.

Acapulco Gold needed water, so she got some terp tea and the same water ton water it. 1-oz cup of stock humic was bottom watered after the top watering settled.