USA Only *Tent Fires* Pinky Tuscadero Auto * Test Thread *

Just made up fresh reservoirs
0.5ml pro tekt + sm90
0.6ml foliage pro
400ppm @ph 5.9

Day 11

Day 14

Lowers took a little damage from posible ph flux earliervbut new growth is looking good and things are stable now.
@woody - are you using sm90 instead of hydroguard? Similar product or am i way off?
Pretty much although it was only ever advertised as a wetting agent.
Some old uk grower recommended it to me years ago.
Its worked for me so far. Couple hundred autos in dwc, drip systems and nft and ive never had root rot even with res at 30oc in hot summers
Its discontinued now and the replacement product is called supermoist
There's a 7-10 day difference between the two bigger gals and the smaller one. Everything looks to be on schedule.. In the next 2 weeks should see some nice growth from the two older plants. Water only so far... I think I mixed in coconut water once or twice.. I'm thinking that's what helped the fan leaves on one of the older ones get so big so quick, lol. They will all be touching soon. Hope everyone is having a great day and staying safe and self medicated!!
