Indoor tent #2 grow#1 with a mephisto variety. (2nd grow log)

The last shot here is the modification to hybrid hempy.
the more i have been reading about plants "wicking" the water up. i think the soil on top is going to turn out really good. have a root mass in theory in the soil getting water wicked up into it from the tap roots. might even create more tap roots using a wider space before tapping down. this would be best case scenario. curios to see the root system after its all finished ....

going to have to put a little work in my back room. already getting warm in there. window ac gunna have to go in there in a month or so. im so fascinated by these plants. have been for a long long while lol. i could sit and watch them grow for hours like tv. put on some tunes and just watch them.
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Here she is with about a 6 month cure. Citrus and turpentine smelling bud. Wow its crazy fine.
Dude Skylar is a beast. Had to uproot and replant day 2 ish. It didn't even skip a beat. I think it kicked it into 2nd gear cuz it's the biggest baddest seedling in the tent at the time.