Dinafem Teetee's White Widow XXL and Blue Amnesia XXL monsters


Lost in Space
Cultivators Club
Jan 24, 2015
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Greetings to all DinaFem lovers! I'm Teetee, and I like growing huge Autos under LED's.

I mainly grow Dutch Passion stuff, but I once grew a couple of DinaFem Critical Jacks..... beautiful, resin coated plants, which unfortunately were overshadowed by two DP AutoUltimates that gave over a kilo in total.

I really enjoyed the Critical Jack, so I want to give a big THANK YOU to @Dinafem-Mark for the opportunity to grow some DinaFem strains again and see if I can get on @912GreenSkell 's Dinafem Highest Yield list.

Looking through the catalogue, two strains caught my eye......

Auto White Widow XXL - an old school legend, in an XXL!!!! Say no more!
Auto Blue Amnesia XXL - the name says everything.... taste, high potency and yield!


I was in a bit of a rush.... I had 3 months till I moved out and I wanted to get this grow on the go ASAP, but I only had a few litres of Coco left over, so I wasn't able to use my usual method of planting directly in 20L airpots. I have 5L airpots which I sometimes use if my 20L ones are still in use, but there wasn't enough coco even for them.

So I got a few paper cups, poked a few holes in the bottom and filled them with coco, soaked them with EC 0.7 feed made up of 0.3ml/L House and Garden Cocos A&B, 0.1ml/L drip clean, 0.3ml/L Roots Excellurator and 0.3ml/L Nitrogen boost.

I selected one of each strain, and also 2 DP beans for the ride.

I planted the seeds about 2cm under the surface and covered each cup with clingfilm and topped them with some thick card to keep the light out. I stuck them under a Skyline 400 LED at max height for a bit of warmth.

2 days later 3 had popped, the Blue Amnesia was first, follwed by the White Widow, then the DP Night Queen.

The next day there was no sign of the DP Glueberry OG so I carefully dug down to find her with her helmet off, cotyledons out and looking very pale - almost white. I teased her head out of the coco and pretty soon she started to stand up and turn green.... SHE'S ALIVE!!!!!!

100% succesful germination technique..... just.

Here they are later on that 2nd day....

day 1.JPG

I started feeding the same mixture on day 3, and again on day 5 and 7.... using a 50ml syringe to deliver 100ml gently around the seedlings.

Here they are on day 5

day 5 group 1.JPG

I was beginning to panic, the bloody Coco still hadn't arrived, and I didn't want to have the tap roots hitting the bottom of the cups as I want to avoid stressing them out during the transfer to the 20L airpots.

Finally it arrived on day 9..... so I filled up my trusty 20L airpots, and made a hole in the centre to fit a cup in.
I used scissors to cut the bottom of the cup off, made a slit up the side of the cup, then carefully plonked it in the hole, and slowly pulled up the cup, leaving the seedling in place in the 20L airpot.


It worked a treat.

day 8 group.JPG

clockwise from top left: Glueberry OG, White Widow XXL, Blue Amnesia XXL and Night Queen.

I used the syringe to give them another quick 200ml feed just around the seedlings, and got on with the rest of my day.

That evening, I mixed up another 40L feed, upping the Nitrogen to 0.4ml/L making it EC 0.8, pH 5.8, and gave each pot 10L to saturate the coco and get a bit of run off. The Aquavac is a vital piece of kit for sucking up the run off in a jiffy and giving the tent floor a quick hoover.

I had them under 2 Skyline 400 LEDs and was turning them a ¼ turn every day.

They all looked pretty happy. The Dinafem girls are bigger, and the Glueberry is the smallest but she was dug up from the dead, so she'll be a day behind the others, but its early days!

Some close ups on day 9 just after repotting, to finish off.....

day 8 BA.JPG

Blue Amnesia

day 8 WW.JPG

White Widow

By day 13 the plants were about 5 inches high.

They took to the 20L airpots very well, and I was feeding them 1-2L a day, and that's just giving me a dribble of run off. If I wasn't using Drip Clean, I would give them more (but don't start Drip Clean mid way through a grow - either use it from word go, or not at all).

I gave them EC 0.7 from the start, increasing to EC 0.8 (mainly by adding extra Nitrogen boost) from day 9.

From day 13, I increased the feed strength to EC 0.9, this time by adding a touch more A&B (from 0.3ml/L to 0.4ml/L) and starting Multizyme. I use House and Garden nutes and additives, except 'Bloom' Cal-Mag.

Here they are as individuals on day 13, starting with the Blue Amnesia XXL......

day 13 BA.JPG

....then the White Widow XXL (ignore the colour, I did an auto correct on the brightness by mistake)......

day 13 WW.JPG

Both were looking very healthy and had started perfectly. They are showing XXL potential so far!

Two weeks later. on day 28, the Blue Amnesia looked like this...

day 28 BA.JPG

.... but the White Widow looked like she's gonna be the star of this grow.... she is absolutely perfect and is gonna be another monster....

day 28 WW.JPG

They were getting BIG, so in the next post, I'll show how they progressed.
Thanks for looking in!
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Thanks @912GreenSkell , I'm back again with more about my DinaFem beasts....

I decided to spend some time with the girls and stake them out..... they all need to spread out a bit, and at 1 month old, they were just starting to flower. This is the time to expose as many tops as possible before they go into stretch. The other option to staking is to remove leaves, but I prefer this method.

I started with the White Widow XXL.... the biggest and healthiest plant in this run.

This is her before, on day 28....

day 28 WW.JPG

.... and after staking out all the long stemmed lower branches....

day 31 WW1.JPG

A close up shows those stems bent out at almost 90°, but the tips and side branches recover very quickly and start growing upwards again. A low stress supercrop!

day 31 WW2.JPG

Then I did the Blue Amnesia XXL. This plant is a bit shorter, and more bushy. A stake out was really needed not just to expose all the tops, but also to get some light and air in.

This is her on day 28....

day 28 BA.JPG

.... and after staking out.....

day 31 BA1.JPG

and from above...

day 31 BA2.JPG

A close up shows how I bent out the branches....

day 31 BA3.JPG

By day 37, week 6, the Girls were all well and truly in flowering mode.

I staked them out the week before, and they have all gone into stretch. Now they have plenty of space to fill out with some fat buds!

The White Widow XXL was just massive.... 80cm high and 70cm wide......

day 37 WW1.JPG

and she had tons of long stems all ready to explode with flower.....

day 37 WW2.JPG

The Blue Amnesia XXL was not as tall, at 55cm and 65cm wide, but again, there was plenty of potential in her....

day 37 BA1.JPG

From above, she has lots happening....

day 37 BA2.JPG

Moving on to day 44 the White Widow was towering over all my other plants. She's best viewed from the left side door.....

day 44 WW.JPG

She is just enormous, remember she's only 44 days old! 105cm high and over 90cm wide.

She has just one Skyline 400 above her, I wish I had ordered the new MK 2 Skyline.... that would be great to add over her, but I think there might be a couple of Skyline 100's on the way, so hopefully they'll arrive soon, thanks to @muddy-ledhydroponic !

I reckon she could fill a tent on her own if I could have spread her out a bit more, unfortunately, she's got some other big girls to compete with.

Blue Amnesia was 80cm high and was also looking very happy, but you can see how big the White Widow is behind in comparison!...

day 44 BA.JPG

Today it's day 52, so later I'll bring you completely up to date!
Thanks for taking a look, happy growing!
Its pretty funny man....most other folks if they had plants like this i would be "Wow, bud you are ding an absolutely exceptional job ect ect ect", but honestly, for you its what i have come to Expect to see every round!! ;)

Seriously man...rocking in some more monsters!!
Its pretty funny man....most other folks if they had plants like this i would be "Wow, bud you are ding an absolutely exceptional job ect ect ect", but honestly, for you its what i have come to Expect to see every round!! ;)

Seriously man...rocking in some more monsters!!
No pressure then......
Cheers mate, thats a real compliment coming from you!
Well @912GreenSkell, so far, so good.... it's day 52, and the grow is progressing well....


clockwise from top left.... the enormous White Widow, Blue Amnesia, Glueberry OG and Night Queen.

You can see the DinaFem girls at the back dominating the tent..... the space is full to the very edges.

Last week on day 49, I gave the big three a good defoliation underneath, cutting any leaves that aren't getting much light and any poxy stems that won't get near the top, or produce much more than wispy flowers.

This is how they looked afterwards. First the White Widow.......
day 49 WW.JPG

then the Blue Amnesia.....
day 49 BA.JPG

I left a few healthy looking leaves, but they will drop off soon. I figure every leaf has a function, may as well let them contribute while they can.

Also during the week, I took delivery of 2 new Skyline 100 LEDs from LED Hydroponics....


20cm wide, 2kg weight, 50W draw


15cm from the tip of the plastic dome to the back


and up they go, giving my White Widow a helping hand.

The Widow needs it. This is how she looks today on day 52.......


side door view


side door close up


front door view


front door close up


main cola tip

The Blue Amnesia XXL has shifted up a gear, and is catching up to the Widow...

a better view of her canopy,,,,

and a close up of the main cola....

They have been on PK13/14 at EC 0.9 for 2 days.

As well as the PK (in the form of House and Garden 'Top Booster'), I'm giving Multizyme, Bud XL, Bud Candy all at 1ml/L and a hint of Nitrogen boost (0.2ml/L) to keep them green in the final stages.

I usually give the PK for 4 days, then move to Top Shooter till the end. I finally bought a 60L bin to mix up more nutrient, so I'm feeding twice a day, 5-6L at a time.

That's it for now, good growing karma to you all!
It's day 65 and we are in mid flowering. The most boring bit for me.

Here's the group shot clockwise from top left... the enormous White Widow, then the almost as huge Blue Amnesia back right, the Glueberry OG front right and Night Queen there front left...


The DinaFem Girls are just massive.... taking up a good 2/3 of the back part of the tent.

First the (slightly smaller) Blue Amnesia XXL. She is XXL all right!.....


I have given her a good clear out underneath.....


You can see how much stringy crap was down there before from this pic on day 59. All gone now.....


This is her from the other side......


..... and a bit closer....


The White Widow XXL is the beast of the bunch at 115cm high and at least a metre wide... I really think she could have filled a tent on her own....


I have also given her a good trim down under. I should end up with just fat buds, and loads of them!

Here she is from the other side.....


.... and a close up from day 59....


Plenty of room and time to fatten up.

So it's week 10.... they will go past the 100 day mark for sure!

Hope you are all having a lovely time sweltering in the 'heatwave' back in Blighty. Now you know what I have to go through most of the year! Think yourselves lucky you don't have to deal with the snakes and spiders as well!
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Far out bro, your growing monsters. Fantastic growing!!

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