Indoor Tay's auto tune

So I topped the other bubblegum the night before last night day 23 we'll see how it goes. The critical purple and WW autos haven't shown yet and at this point I doubt they will but I'll be patient. Day 25 autos are at the center. Still just pH water at 6.5 with runoff still above 1000ppm.
Kicked out of the room and into the cold garage for smelling, my plants are moving, so I grabbed a heater from home Depot to keep it warm in their new home
Just about perfect. You're gonna have some nice buds.

You run your lights at night to help keep the temps up with less use of the heater?

I wonder what is in there for the high ppms, that doesn't nuke the plants

Just re-looked and there was a little tip burn, you think that was the soil or do you think you do something?

And, what are you growing back right?

My bad, all the questions. Again.
watering til run off is a coco thing, not soil. No need to test runoff of soil, imo. You can get ppfd map from light company so u can run 100% for heat. If I read the SF2000 par map correctly, ur light produces 950‘ish ppfd @ 16”, so 28” @ 65% is on the low side IMO. Please double check my numbers prior to making any changes.
watering til run off is a coco thing, not soil. No need to test runoff of soil, imo. You can get ppfd map from light company so u can run 100% for heat. If I read the SF2000 par map correctly, ur light produces 950‘ish ppfd @ 16”, so 28” @ 65% is on the low side IMO. Please double check my numbers prior to making any changes.
Makes me think, if he is using plain water and run off 1k, ppm at start was probably near 1500(?), depending if first watering with run off.

Looks likes they know what they are doing. I too would check ec of runoff for a variety of reasons and treating salt soil grows just like coco did good for me.
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Thanks guys. I check runoff to know when to feed. The tip burn is probably from a dry or hot pocket in the soil no biggie. Getting things setup now. Going to dial it in
Makes me think, if he is using plain water and run off 1k, ppm at start was probably near 1500(?), depending if first watering with run off.

Looks likes they know what they are doing. I too would check ec of runoff for a variety of reasons and treating salt soil grows just like coco did good for me.
If using water only, where is the salt build up coming from? The potting soil? Also, what information are you gathering from soil run off? If run off is 1000 ppm, one could argue it’s running in the hot side, which we know it is not. He plans on feeding after next watering. What if ppm was 500 or 1500? Are any feeding plans altered? If not, I ask again, why water til runoff in soil?

Again, coco I agree. Soil? I always reserve the right to get smarter.
Just about perfect. You're gonna have some nice buds.

You run your lights at night to help keep the temps up with less use of the heater?

I wonder what is in there for the high ppms, that doesn't nuke the plants

Just re-looked and there was a little tip burn, you think that was the soil or do you think you do something?

And, what are you growing back right?

My bad, all the questions. Again.
My wife's butternut squash. Poor woman had them in one of my failed sprouting solo cups in the window pane. I gave it a bigger pot and ffof and put it in the tent yesterday.