Dutch Passion TaNg's DP AutoXtreme Preview Grow in Airpots under Grownorthern LEDs.

What a great result JTang, it was impressive all the way through

Krypto - outdoor performance is so hard to say at this stage, if you have a warmish climate like, say France, then I reckon you will do well in a sunny spot, let me know how you get on!

Pulled the trigger and ordered some Auto Xs We should know how your newest addition does outdoors by late June. Hurry up spring get your buttocks here!
J you have much to proud of my friend, I hope that I can come close to that!!! You raise the bar very HIGH, but then again that is waht it's all about!!! ;-)
Wauw J, :gthumb:. :slap:
Now I have no doubt! I'll make a 2-nd run :hump:
mr tang has done it again!what a harvest!,,,slap smack again! i am almost convinced to buy airpot's my paper bag method is, hang dry for 75% of the time (based on rh) then in jar's to test rh, if rh is above 70% into bags for a couple of day's then test again, if not down to 65% back in bags for another day. when they are stable at 65% i keep them in the jar's and burp as needed. dont mean to highjack your thread but komach asked a question about the bag method.the oldtimer's all the way back to the sixtie's have used brown paper bags from start to finish, it doe's help keep flavor and smell. but after a point i think it should be moved to a jar because that locks in flavor, taste, and potentcy!
the old timers never used jar's... i am talking waaay back! mr tang you have a green thumb stuck in your.........ear! i bet you thought i was gonna say your ass.
Thanks bro. I do it next time this way(bookmarked this post)
Have 100 shop bags ordered hehe.
Thats a great result m8,i was so lookin 4ward to gettin my 2 Auto extream's started but iv f**ked somthing up,:o The 2 of them got as far as the soil & i havnt seen them since,the tap root was out & they went into the soil like evryother bean iv started but nothin & its been 14days. So i put 2 more TD & they ar both on day 1 today so im ok. Also able to gi u a big REP+ for ur monstor of a plant. Well done m8.. :smokebuds:
Thats a great result m8,i was so lookin 4ward to gettin my 2 Auto extream's started but iv f**ked somthing up,:o The 2 of them got as far as the soil & i havnt seen them since,the tap root was out & they went into the soil like evryother bean iv started but nothin & its been 14days. So i put 2 more TD & they ar both on day 1 today so im ok. Also able to gi u a big REP+ for ur monstor of a plant. Well done m8.. :smokebuds:
Bummer GZ hope you have better luck on the next try!!
Thats a great result m8,i was so lookin 4ward to gettin my 2 Auto extream's started but iv f**ked somthing up,:o The 2 of them got as far as the soil & i havnt seen them since,the tap root was out & they went into the soil like evryother bean iv started but nothin & its been 14days. So i put 2 more TD & they ar both on day 1 today so im ok. Also able to gi u a big REP+ for ur monstor of a plant. Well done m8.. :smokebuds:

Hi GZ, drop me a PM about your failed AutoXtreme seeds, if you are euro based then they can be replaced with our complements